[1] Kai Hiwatari {1}

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Character: Kai Hiwatari

Other: The Reader is Hilary's Older Sister

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He was listening, watching as Tyson argued once more with Hilary. The two were practically a married couple and he found it infuriating. They were meant to be practicing, yet decided that arguing would be a better use of their time.

"Why don't you ever listen?!" Hilary screamed at the boy. "Shut up Hilary. You're stupid and nobody likes you!" Tyson yelled back.

A loud bang caused everyone, apart from Kai, to jump. He did, however allow his eyes to flicker over to the source of the sound.

Kai allowed his eyes to stay on the girl as she moved towards the soon to be dead Tyson. Tyson gulped as he took a step back.

Y/n was Hilary's older, protective sister. She was fierce, smart, oh and she was Kai's girlfriend.

"What did you just say to my sister?" Y/n asked, her voice calm, too calm.

Y/n had multiple stages of anger. She had loud angry, where she was shouting, that was okay. She had sarcastic angry where she would question a person sarcastically, before snapping at them, that also wasn't too bad. Then there was calm angry, that was the worst one. She would most likely hit you when she was calm angry.

"I-I-I." Tyson couldn't form words as he stared at the girl. He knew she was a girl, yet she was the only one Kai cared about, the only one who Kai showed emotion to, and that was scary.

"It seems to me you were insulting my sister and that makes me, very, very angry," she said, her voice still calm.

Hilary rushed over to her sister, who pulled her into a hug. "I hope you can apologise, Tyson. If not, well, let's just say Kai's training will be the least of your worries," she said, her voice now sounding robotic.

Tyson turned to Hilary, his face pale. "I'm sorry," he said, clearly for all the team to hear. Hilary nodded her head, before smiling slightly. "Apology accepted." Tyson turned to Y/n. "I'm sorry for insulting your sister." "Don't insult anyone here, Tyson Granger. You're meant to be a team and while Hilary may not often Beyblade, she does help with the training schedule," Y/n reminded him. Tyson nodded his head, agreeing with the girl.

Kai smirked as he looked at his girlfriend. He knew one day she would be a great mother, she handled the childish Bladebreakers with ease.

Y/n allowed her eyes to flicker over to Kai, smiling at the boy. "You ready?" Everyone stared at the two confused. Kai had told them they were training, yet Y/n didn't blade, so why was she asking if he was ready?

"We're going on a team-building exercise, my idea," Y/n told the confused boys. "You've not been acting like a team lately and I find that unacceptable, so let's enjoy your day."

Tyson and Daichi groaned, yet said nothing. They wouldn't argue with the scary girl.

They made their way to the minibus, one Ray would often drive. If not Ray, then Kai. Kai and Y/n went to the back, while the others were closer to the front.

"You handle the boys well," Kai mumbled, as he took Y/n's hand. "You're firm yet fair." "A lot like you," Y/n replied. He smirked, before placing a kiss on her hand. She rolled her eyes, knowing the boy wasn't a big fan of PDA.

"How did I find you?" he mumbled. "My sister set us up, told me I need a man, and said you needed somebody like me," Y/n replied, smirking slightly. She knew the boy was being sarcastic, yet still answered.

Kai grabbed her waist, pulling her on his lap. It wasn't often he was affectionate, especially in public, yet he didn't care. He pressed his lips against hers in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

Hilary smiled at the sight of the two. She was right, they did make a great pair.

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