"Can you take me there?"

"Of course!"

The figure began to float away and Rune walked beside him.

"So... you're a ghost?"

"I am."


"I died."

"I mean, does everyone here become a ghost when they die or..."

"Just me so far."

"Do you know why you came back?"

"I um... I"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."


The being's voice became much rougher and arrogant. Rune turned to him just to see the floating figure continuing on his way.

"What just happened?"

"What do you mean?"

His voice was back to the way it was before.

"Your voice. It's just... I don't know but it was strange."


And the ghost figure just floated away. Rune sprinted to catch up. This ghost was fast when he wanted to be.

"Do you have a name?"



"My name was Wilbur but I'm dead now so it's Ghostbur. And here we are! The party is just down there."

The ghost gestured to a large staircase leading underground. The entrance was decorated with gold and green fabric streamers inlaid with tiny lights. It lit up the dark stairs and made them look welcoming rather than cold and unfriendly.

"Thank you... Ghostbur."

"You're welcome."

"I hope to see you again sometime soon."

"I hope so too, Rune."

The ghost slowly floated away, taking his cold aura with him. Rune wouldn't realize until much later that she had never told the ghost her name.


Rune took a deep breath and began to walk down the long flight of stairs. She got about halfway down when she could start to hear music. It calmed Rune's nerves and she finished her descent with confidence.


The butler at the door greeted her as she walked in, even opening the door for her as she walked in. She thanked him with a gold coin (as instructed to by Sam) and entered the giant ballroom.

A gasp fell from her lips as she took in the beautiful room. The ceilings were arched, with three glittering chandeliers hanging along the center. Half of the room was filled with tables, all decorated with gold plates, crystal glasses, and silverware. The other half of the room was cleared, with couples swaying in rhythm to the music.

Rune scanned the room for a familiar face, quickly spotting Ponk sipping champagne by the tables of hors d'oeuvres. She wandered over to her friend who smiled once he finally spotted her.

"Hey Ponk."

"Rune! I'm so glad you're here!"


"I don't think he's coming!"

"Who- oh. Maybe he's just late. Or lost."

"You're probably right."

Something Lost - A DSMP Story (OLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora