"I'm Ranboo." the figure states, snapping Rune out of her daze.

"This is Captain Puffy, King Eret, & Tommy."

Everyone introduced waved hello to Rune, in addition to Tommy's "Ello!"

Rune smiled back and moved next to Sam, who was sitting at the table at the center of the room. She watched Ranboo count the people in the room with his eyes and, satisfied with his count, cleared his throat.

"Thanks for coming, everyone! We are very excited to celebrate Michael's second birthday surrounded by friends, old" he gestured to Eret, "and new." he gestured to Rune. "With that said, let us welcome the birthday boy."

Everyone took a place at the table. A moment passed, then another. A whisper could be heard behind the door at the entrance.

"That's your cue Michael."

And with that, a small child burst into the room. He looks kinda like Techno. There were many similarities between them, but just as many differences. For instance, he had the same skin and hair colors, along with the tusk like teeth; however, in addition to this, half of his face was ivory white in color, along with the eye on that side of his face being solid black instead of brown like the other one.

He held a stuffed chicken in one of his hands and wore a small golden crown on his head. He was followed by Tubbo who was giggling at his child. The pair sat down, with Michael at the head of the table and Tubbo and Ranboo beside him.

"Do you want to do first, Michael? Cake or Presents?" Ranboo asked.


"Okay, sweetheart."

He snapped and a being appeared from the shadows. Rune realized that he was almost as tall as Ranboo with dark skin and purple eyes.

"Fetch us the cake, please."

The being disappeared in a burst of purple particles and reappeared quickly, holding a beautiful cake in his hands. He set it down on the table and looked to Ranboo for further instruction.

"You're free to go."

The being bowed before disappearing again and Rune looked at the gorgeous cake in front of her. It was round, decorated with fire made of frosting. Two candles sat at the center of the cake. Tubbo grabbed a lighter and lit the candles, creating two dancing flames.

"Let's sing!"

But it was too late. Michael had already grabbed one of the candles and plopped it into his mouth. Rune gasped, but no one else seemed concerned that this small child had just eaten fire. Sam leaned over and whispered into Rune's ear.

"He was born in a realm of fire. It doesn't hurt him."


Michael opened his mouth and let the cylinder of wax fall from his mouth.


Tubbo grabbed a napkin and then the candle with it.

"So. Who wants cake?"


Rune was really glad she agreed to come to this party with Sam. Michael was a joy and everyone else at the party was fascinating. She made good conversation with her new acquaintances while they dined on junk food and sweets. Puffy was kind, but not afraid to speak her mind. Eret was mysterious, and Rune found them alluring in a curious way. Tommy was loud, she found him annoying at first, but his style quickly grew on her.

Once they finished their cake, they sat down in a circle beside the table. A small stack of presents sat beside Michael, each wrapped with the character of the person gifting it. Rune watched as Tubbo asked Michael which one he wanted to open first. He pointed at a large, yellow package with a black bow. Ranboo passed it to him, carefully sitting it down on the floor. Michael tore off the ribbon and paper, revealing a brown box.

He flipped open the box, revealing a collection of colourful blocks. Big enough for Michael not to swallow them, light enough for him to easily move them, and sturdy enough for them not to easily break. This gift had no name tag, but it seemed neither of the parents were concerned.

They went through the rest of the boxes, watching Michael's face light up at every new present. A stuffed pink sheep with the words "You Matter" sewn into the side from Eret. The young child wouldn't understand the words for quite a while, but that didn't matter. Puffy gifted a beautiful painting of the child's home realm to decorate his room. From Tommy, a music disk called Pigstep. From Sam, a play trident and sword (gold of course).

Ranboo and Tubbo's gifts were last. From the prince, a pair of glasses with one red side and one green. They looked like Ranboo's eyes, and Michael became ecstatic at the prospect of looking more like his father. He immediately put them one, causing everyone in the room to giggle or smile at the child. Tubbo gave his son a bee onesie. Michael loved the colors and the softness of the fabric.

Now, everyone was chatting around the room, some watching Michael play with his sword, some eating more of the cake. The last thing any of them expected was for the butler to bust into the room, frantic and afraid. He was bloody and could barely speak.

"The Eggpire!"

A twang could be heard in the distance and an arrow appeared in the butler's back. He dropped to the floor, not moving an inch.


1399 Words


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