IMAGINE 3: Randy Andy ❤️

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this gets a tad dirty but not in detail

i regret making this

it's 1983, youre 20, youre in a club in london with your friend. you party with your friend and then you see camera flashes coming from the door, you turn around and see a guy that seems somewhat familiar but you can't recognise him, he enters with cameras and a small crowd following him. your friend makes the decision to have several shots, making her drunk as ever, this then results to you sitting with her at a table holding her together while she tries to act normal as a somewhat hot guy approaches her. her, being gullible but also your friend who loves romantic attention whenever it is, is seduced in front of you by this guy, nestling you know they're kissing right next to you. well that was a start.

you immediately head to the bar and wait for the bartender to notice you, just as the bartender walks along and you begin to ask for your drink, you hear "id like to buy you a drink" softly being spoken into your left ear. you turn around, see nobody. you turn to your right, boom! that guy that was followed by the cameras earlier is glaring at you with his pretty, dazzling eyes, waiting for you to order. you order and smile at him, he pays and asks you what your name is. after telling him your name and having a small conversation, you ask why he seems recognisable and why there were cameras following him earlier. "the names andrew ridgeley" he says, you are still confused, so he starts saying "wham?" "young guns having some fun?", after a long pause, you realise you have seen him on top of the pops. wow! a pop star is interested in you! he notices the surprise in your eyes and puts his hand to your hair, moving it out the way of your face, he says "wow, you are beautiful" you blush and reply "you too, andrew.".

after a couple of laughs and a drink together, you glance back over to your friend. she is literally lying at her table with her head down and everyone giving her dirty looks as they walk past. you decided to go over and wake her up, but andrew follows. "flo, FLO" you say, shaking her. she eventually looks up, looking horrible drunk, she points at andrew and says "it's george michael!". you stand extremely confused while andrew laughs, "had a bit too much to drink, have ya?" andrew asks. your friend, flo, admits and after a stumble out of the club, andrew orders a taxi for you and your friend. he drops your friend off at home, and just as you get up, he grabs your arm and sits you back down again. "don't you wanna come to my hotel?" he asks, "oh! if you'd like me too" you say nervously. you are dropped off at a hotel, andrew eventually books a hotel and you go upstairs to your room with him. you are given a double bed and a colour tv, luxurious! you place your bag down, have a shower and as you exit the bathroom, andrew looks at you with one hand leaning on the wall and tells you to come closer. he kisses you on the lips, and guides you to your side of the bed, with your clothes folded on your bed. you get changed into your clothes, but make sure you're comfortable enough to sleep with andrew.

andrew undresses himself to what you think is to have a shower, but no, he is going to sleep bare naked! you are in utter shock but you can't resist just one night with a pop star. i don't need to continue, you know what happens next

imagine scenarios: andrew ridgeley & george michaelWhere stories live. Discover now