Welcome to Texas...

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Y/n POV:
Im Y/n Payton, daughter of Sean Payton and sister of Conner Payton. Dad just got suspended from coaching in the NFL and seems pretty pissed...but he's decided that we're gonna go see Conner and Mom in Texas. We just got to town.

It was already dark by the time we got to the hotel. "Alright you'll stay here tonight, after we see your brother and mom tomorrow then you'll stay there alright kid?" He explained as I grabbed my bags and we walked inside. "Yup, I'm just excited to see Conner again" I said with a smile.

After a bit of trouble at check in we went up to our rooms. Two separate rooms right beside each other. I say good night to dad and head to my room. "If you need anything I'm right next door" he said. "Yup I know" I replied and then I closed my door.

I put all my bags down into the corner and flopped onto the bed. Comfy, cozy, warm but not to warm, it's perfect. Besides the constant noise that I couldn't pin point where it's from.


I hear my phone go off and grab it.

Twin Dipshit aka Conner💙

Hey I just remembered when we
were kids we used to tackle
each other while playing football...
and then you'd win.

Ah yes good times😌
Why do you bring it up?

Just thinking at practice earlier ig

Aww are you sure you don't
miss meeee😭😭😭

Yeah I'm sure🙄

Alright you suck im going to bed

It's  literally 8pm.

Yeah you got a problem with that?

Whatever night loser

Night dumb ass


I get up  and grab my charger from my bag and plug it into the outlet beside my bed. I plug my phone in and start to get ready for bed. After I'm ready I check my phone one last time then close my eyes.

The next morning I get woken up by my alarm. "I don't even have school anymore why is my alarm set" I groan as I turn it off. It was 7Am. 7AM! I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep so I got up anyways and got dressed. I did my makeup(if you wear any) and did my hair. By the time I was don't it was only 8 and dad usually didn't wake up until 9.

I go down stairs to pass time until my dad to wakes up. "Hello" the guy at the front desk says. "Hey, how's your morning?" I say in a polite voice. "Pretty good how's yours?" He asks back. "Not bad" I reply. "There's some breakfast if you're hungry" he says and points over to a counter with some breakfast items.

"I'm good, what's your name?" I ask as I lean on the corner. "Eric, what's yours?" He replies as he looks on the computer for a second. "Y/n" I say. Time goes by as we're talking then my dad comes down. "Good morning dad" I said. "Hey kid ready to go see Conner?" He asks. "YES" I say as I rush out the door.

We drive to the field and then walk onto the stands. "MOM!" I say excitedly and she turns around which leads the guy she's with to fall onto the ground. "Y/n, Sean?! What are you guys doing here?" She asks as I run down to her. I hug her and the guy gets up off the ground and I see it's my step dad Jamie. "Hey Jamie" I say. "Hello Y/n lovely to see you again!" He says.

"Uh hi" my dad says as he walks down behind me. "Sorry I didn't mean to sound like that, I was just surprised to see you here, what are you doing here?" She asks my dad. "Just here to watch my son play football" my dad replies. I sit on the bench in front of my mom and my dad sits across from her.

They continue talking as I just watch Conner play. Jamie stands up and my mom goes flying with him. I try not to laugh as I continue watching. The score board shuts off after they announce another touch down for the Vikings. "Why'd the score board shut off?" I turn and ask my mom.

"Once a team gets up by 40 they turn off the score board" my mom explains. "Kinda puts a whole end to the trauma pain fest" Jamie adds. "Big football fan Jamie?" My dad asks him. "No more of a fan of my step son" Jamie replied. I start ignoring them once again.

"Which one's Conner?" I ask. "Number 44 in the blue" mom says. "I watch as he takes off his helmet and helps another guy up. He pats their shoulder sand helmets as they walk back to the benches. Mom makes her way down to Conner and Jamie and my dad go and transfer my bags from dads car to my moms.

"CONNER!" I yell as we come close to the bottom of the stairs. "Y/N?!" Conner yells back with a confused but happy look on his face. I run down and jump on him. "I'm all sweaty" he says as he laughs a bit and hugs me back. "Don't care" I reply as I let go and mom comes up to us. "If Y/ns here that means..." Conner trails off as his smiles fades. "Dads here too" we both say.

"Beth Conner who's this?" Asks who I assume to be Conners coach. "This is my twin sister Y/n, she lives with our dad" Conner explained. "I'm coach Lambert" he says and I shake his hand. He walks away again and I see dad starting to come down the stairs. Conners not gonna like this... Conner starts to take off his jersey.

"What are you doing here?" Conner says as he turns around and sees dad. "Glad everybody's happy to see me" dad said. "Oh he didn't mean it like that did you honey?" Mom says with her hand on Conners back. Conner doesn't say anything back he just looks at dad. "I just came here to do some scouting, ya know? You can never find good prospects too early".

"Hey you uh, you played a great game out there" dad tries again. "We lost 0-40" Conner said sounding a bit hurt and a bit pissed off. "Well I mean you, you were, personally great" dad responds. "I mean you can't help it if all your team mates are horrible" dad says as a kid from Conners team walks by. "Dad." I say. "No- no he was good too, a couple of good guys" my dad tries to defend himself.

"I was just hoping to get some time together, ya know? Catch up". He's really not good at this, like horrible.

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