Chapter 2: A SPECIAL customer

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I was in the pet shop, as usual, when a strange boy walked in. He was tall and had dark hair. He was wearing a peculiar-looking jacket and a hat similar to a fedora, just a little more modern. At first I didn't notice anything strange, other than the fact that such a cute guy was walking into our shop. I sat there staring at him, but also not trying to let him notice me staring at him. Of course he had noticed I did not like the pets very much, but didn't seem to care much. He was SO dreamy! That was all I cared about.

He walked into the pet day care room. I tried to catch him. He wasn't aloud in there. He sprinkled powder on the food dishes. I asked what it was but he didn't answer. Suddenly, every pet in the day care ran up to their food bowls. It was weird. I couldn't stop them. Nothing seemed to happen after they ate the food, so I decided to check on them tomorrow. I REALLY hope it wasn't some type of poison or something dangerous though.

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