<:.Author's Note.:>

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Hello fellow readers. You've made it to the end of "Lemon And Lime." You may have noticed that the chapters near the end have begun to shorten. You may also have noticed that I might have not added enough effort in most chapters. That's because I got writer's block while making this. As you can see, I'm not much of a writer, but I enjoy doing so, even though my vocabulary sucks compared to other writers.

I really wanted to finish this book, hoping to start the rewrite soon. This will be the first book I actually finished, though it wasn't the first one I started. I originally planned to FINISH writing this book before I posted, but I decided to post on a specific date.

I plan that the rewrite will basically be 'book 2' of "Lemon And Lime." I'll try to accurately describe the Creepypasta's personality as best as I can in the next book. I don't know a lot about their canon information, so based on whatever fandom information I remember, I'll try to combine it with the more 'canon'/realistic information to hopefully make their personalities accurate.

Some of the information here is already on the more 'canon' side, such as Toby's opinion of waffles. Canotically, Toby does not like waffles, so I'm good on that part, (right?)

I hope you all look forward to "Lemon And Lime 2!" Yes, a very creative title, but I don't really feel like changing it. I feel like the title is related to the topic due to Bloody Painter's and Toby's personalities. I won't be working on the next books following Lemon and Lime for a long while. This book took me about half a year to make due to my laziness and procrastination- plus writer's block of course.

You can tell because the book started to go all over the place. I do hope that in the second book/rewrite, I will keep a well maintained story line that is hopefully not as confusing as this. This author's note is already confusing.

Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed this book, and hope you enjoy the next books I publish! [online, of course; I'm not an official writer] I cannot guarantee any visible improvements in my writing skills, but I can guarantee at least some improvements.

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