【Pɾσʅσɠυҽ: Mҽҽƚιɳɠ Aɠαιɳ】

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'To think that we met again so soon.'


These were the thoughts of the boys when they had met each other at the Slender Manor. They thought that they were likely to stay separated after joining Slender, but they've reunited instead. When they first looked at each other, they seemed to feel a certain connection between each other, as if they had met before, though, the connection was faint. Although, it took them quite some time to BOTH realize who the other was.

They looked at each other. Now that they're both here, they may as well be acquaintances. They shook hands, introducing themselves as their new self.

"T-Ticci T-Toby.."

"Bloody Painter."

The boy with messy black hair, white mask with a bloody smile, wearing a navy blue jacket with a smiley faced pin on his shirt above his pocket and casual blue jeans, who's name was Bloody Painter, looked at the dark brown haired boy, who was wearing a grey and blue striped jacket with a hood, grey mouth guard, orange goggles, and a belt where he hung his hatchets, who's name was Ticci Toby. Bloody Painter looked at Toby as if he knew him. The boy stared back, not knowing why Bloody Painter didn't let go after they shook hands.

"Errr, a-are you g-g-going to l-let go..?" Toby asked.

Bloody Painter was caught by surprise and let go, "My apologies."

"Wh-Why are y-you being so f-f-formal!?" Toby asked, semi-yelling.

"Er.. Sorry..?" Bloody Painter apologized yet again, not knowing what he did wrong- if he in fact HAD done anything wrong.

"Wh-Whatever." Toby twitches in disgust.

Bloody Painter stared at Toby, who was only slightly shorter than he was. He wondered to himself, 'Do I know this boy?'

Toby looks at Bloody Painter, staring back in confusion, "Wh-Why a-are you staring a-at me?"

"No particular reason.." Bloody Painter muttered. 'He seems a lot like Toby..' Bloody Painter thought, before correcting himself as to who exactly he's thinking about, 'The Toby from highschool..'

"W-We'll probably be seeing e-each other a lot f-f-from now on. G-Get used to s-seeing me a-around and NOT s-stare at me e-every time y-you see me." Toby says, slowly getting pissed for some reason.

"Ah, sorry." Bloody Painter apologized yet again.

The two boys parted ways after, Toby being the first to leave, walking away in annoyance. Bloody Painter didn't want to believe that he knew this Toby. According to the news, Tobias Rogers had DIED in the fire. Bloody Painter believed the news...

But why..?

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