Episode - 33

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Jungkook asked worriedly. Taehyung smiled at the worried face of his lover.

Taehyung: I still have time. Um.. Can't you come with me?

Jungkook bit his lips feeling hesitant. Taehyung understood the younger. He caressed his hair and placed a soft kiss on his chubby cheeks.

Taehyung: it's okay baby. Take your time and come to me soon. I will wait for you.

Jungkook nodded with a smile, seeing his caring and understanding boyfriend. He thought, ' how can a person so caring and understanding like him will play with a teens feeling? '

Taehyung bid his bye and went towards the flight that he booked tickets for reaching Seoul. Jungkook kept waving until the elder is out of his sight. He sighed as his shoulder shrunk.


Hoseok: Taehyung, I want a day off this Friday and Saturday. I'm visiting my mom.

He said to Taehyung who is busy doing the pending work of the past weeks. The CEO looked up at the elder's words and thought for a minute.

Taehyung: okay Hyung.

He said with a smile that made Hoseok smile too. Taehyung seemed Happy and joyful from the morning itself he entered the office.

So curiosity took the best of Hoseok and he asked the CEO.

Hoseok: um.. Taehyung, something happened?

Taehyung tilted his head to side with an eyebrow raised. Hoseok laughed nervously.

Hoseok: you seem happy.

Taehyung: ohh, that's just Jungkook is arriving today evening.

He said and a wide boxy smile cept across his lips. It's been three day that Taehyung had returned to Seoul and living without Jungkook being by his side.

He is extremely happy to see the younger after three days. Hoseok smiled and patted Taehyung's head feeling happy for the couple.

He then took his leave and left the CEO's cabin. Taehyung smiled like an idiot seeing the picture of Jungkook in his mobile lockscreen.

Taehyung: can't wait to take you in my arms.

He squealed happily and laughed at himself for being like this.

Finally after a long~ hours, the evening came. Taehyung rushed out of the cabin and the office towards the parking lot, internally squealing like a kid.

Taehyung reached the airport 10 minutes earlier, for the arrival of his boyfriend. He stood at the entrance from which the love of his life will come from Busan.

The ten minutes passed like ten years for Taehyung and finally the announcement for the arrival of the plane was announced through the speaker.

Taehyung waited for the appearance of the beautiful bunny looking boy. The passengers one by one came down the escalator. And there came his love,

Jeon Jungkook.

Taehyung smiled widely and waved towards his boyfriend. Jungkook too waved back but the boy seemed somewhat tired or sad.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows when he saw him closer. The younger had red eyes and puffed round face.

Taehyung: baby, You cried?

He asked shooting a worried look towards Jungkook. A chocked sob left Jungkook's lips and he hugged Taehyung, so tightly.

Taehyung hugged the younger back and rubbed his back softly. He tried to take Jungkook back from his embrace but the younger shook his head and glued towards him.

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