I go back to my room and see my phone and notification from Alcrais.

Heyy youu, how's ur sleep?

It's good bae, wish waking up
to u tho 😩

I feel my stomach growling at me so I decided to go downstairs into the kitchen and see Mary there cleaning up dishes.

"Good morning, Rafael! What do you want to eat for breakfast?", she smiles after rinsing her hands on the towel.

"Hmm just omelette and bacons, please!", I said simply. I see her grabbing three eggs from the fridge and some bacons. I avert my attention to my phone seeing Alcrais reply.

Pfft u so cheesy 🙄

*Attach picture*
Do u think I'd look cute in that?

I click on the pic and it's a cute pink bunny onesie. I smile at the thought of him wearing that. I bet he's gonna be so cute.

Duhhh, u r a q t ;)

My qt*

"Rafael, Mrs. Sandoval tell me earlier that you have to get ready in a suit this afternoon..", I look up from my phone and frown. "..she told me to help you groom yourself before they pick you up at 5PM.", I groan at that.

As expected mom and dad already gone at probably on another meeting in this early morning and they drag me to do their business activity yet again.

"It's probably not my place to say but they care about you deep down, Rafa.", Mary said sweetly. She's always like my second mother to me because she's basically here almost everyday and cook my foods, clean the dishes and house, sometimes I even ask for her opinions too on certain things.

"Yeah yeah!", I waved her off. She then plop the plate full of bacons and omelette, also lots of beans and garlic chips. "Gracias, Mary!", I thanked her and start devouring my meal.

In the middle of eating I can't help but think about that crazy bitch again. I should probably tell my parents about me dating Alcrais, even though I'm still don't know about my sexuality. Before Camilla spreading lies about it to everyone.

"Mary, do you think my parents homophobic?", I asked out of nowhere grabbing Mary's attention.

She hum and think for a moment, "I don't think so, I mean they knew my son is gay and they treated us just the same.", She said.

Well I hope it's actually true when it comes to me.

"Why are you asking that?", She asked curiously.

I freeze then clear my throat. "I- uh sort of dating a boy right now..", I trailed off.

She looks up and smiles at me. "Wow that's great! Congratulations!", She beams and I smile a bit that.

"Haha yeah thanks, Mary...", I grab my mug and drink the coffee she made for me. "...I kinda want to tell mom and dad about it. I just don't know if they'll accept me or not..", I  blurted out.

"Aww sweetie, if they really love you I'm sure it'll be all fine!", She assured me. ".. besides I noticed you seem happier and all smiley, so not accepting your happiness is just foolish of them!", she stammered.

She's right.

This is my life now as much as I'm thankful for all the luxury they gave me in the end I'm the one that living my life and choose my path of happiness. Although I wish they'd accept me too when I confess sometimes tomorrow. It'd be nice because then I'll know if they actually cared for me or no.

After I finish my meal Mary's start washing off my dishes and I thank her before going into my gaming room and turn on my PC and starts playing Fortnite. I decided to text my bros inviting them to play with me right now.

Wingmen mfs 🤝

Yoo, any1 active on 4tnite?

Moments later I see message from Kody.

Kody :
imma head to my PC real quick


Luka :
Brooo I wanna play :((

But I'm on a trip rn :'(
*Attach image*

It's the image of him in the backseat of his car seemingly.

Well sucks 2 be u 🥴

I then text Alcrais to ask him if he plays Fortnite in case he wants to join us maybe.

Bae 😈❤️

Kneeways, I'm going to work in two hours..

Pick me up? 🥺

I forgot he switched his working schedule for my ass yesterday. I see Kody already invited me so I type in my reply to him.

Course baee ;)

See u in a few 😚

With that I put my headphones and grab my controller and play Fortnite with my friends.


It's the calm before the storm it seems..

Wait what?! I didn't say anything 😗

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