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Y/N's POV -

After the many events that went down yesterday, I did my best to prepare myself to face my bosses. Thank goodness the confrontation between the five women didn't catch anyone's attention besides from a few people who probably didn't take it seriously.

Aside from the confrontation, there was the incident in the elevator. What I totally didn't realize the women did to me was the very much noticeable hickeys on my neck. They were too visible for me to cover with make up so I decided to wear a turtleneck. Hoping no one would suspect anything.

"Good morning Y/N ! How are you doing ?" Kate greets me from her desk. "I'm doing good Kate, how about you ?" I ask, leaning on the counter.

"Feeling good too, I'm sorry we left you yesterday. I saw what happened." She mentions. "Don't worry about it, I'll be ok. See you later." I assure her, walking to my office.

I find myself in my office, getting back to work. As much as I stressed over the fact that my past would be revealed, now knowing that my bosses know is a weight that has been lifted off my shoulders. But, I could not get rid of the words and actions that were taken yesterday.

This job has been my aspiration, to be working for them is even more of a dream. I actually enjoy getting loaded with the work, spending more time in a place where I could do something I love. What bothers me is those actions actually meaning something, possibly ridding me of this job.


"Yes ?" I answer the call of Ms. Maximoff. By now, I've adjusted the phone, I know which one is from my boss and which one is from someone else.

"Send me the blueprint for the construction site we're building in England." She requests, more like demands. "Sure thing."

"By the way, Natasha is asking for you." She mentions before ending the call. 

I send the outline she requested before getting up to go to Ms. Romanoff's office.

I knock on her door, she gestures me in. "You called ?" I remind her.

"Yes, I did. Why is there an overlap in my schedule today ? I have a meeting at 10 and it says here that I have another one at 10:20. I won't be able to be in two places at once Y/N. Fix it." She says sternly, having that cold tone in her voice.

"Ok, well I could reschedule one of the meetings or I could ask Ms. Danvers or Ms. Maximoff to attend one of them for you. Which do you prefer ?" I offer.

"Ask Danvers to attend the second one." She concludes, shooing me away.

I nod and walk out of her office. "Y/N, don't make that mistake again. It's your job to do this", she lectures me. I walk out hastily, feeling down from the change of attitude she had. 


As I reach back to my office, I see Ms. Danvers go in. She set a file on my desk before walking out. "Ms. Danvers !" I call out for her as she walks out of my office.

She turns around, "I need you to send those documents to Stark." She says what she has to before walking away, I call her again and she stops frustrated.

"I need you to attend a meeting for Ms. Romanoff at 10:20 today." I inform her, she nods and walks away.

What is going on with everybody today ? Why are they all acting so cold, like nothing even happened yesterday. I'm used to the apathetic attitude they show to me, but it's just different when I heard what they said at the event. This is exactly what I meant when I said I couldn't see my bosses that way.


"God ! I could smack my sister right now !" Yelena plops on the chair in the office pantry.

"Why ?" "All of them are being bitches." She emphasizes, obviously irritated about something.

Kate joins us with the same expression and energy Yelena had. So they aren't being rude to just me, thank goodness I think ? 

"I just did a crapload of work for the three, what's up with them ?" Kate grabs some food.

"Time of the month ?" I suggest. "At the same time", Yelena says unconvinced.

"Well, if you think about it. They were always like this up until-" "You came along." Yelena and Kate assume.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Ok, whatever", Yelena shrugs off the idea. "But were they really like this ?" I ask curiously.

"Umhm, when they merged their companies together it was a big deal. They created one of the biggest companies there is. The media didn't let go of the fact that they're women. They were and are feared by everyone of their employees including me. There's a reason not many people applied for your job. There scary enough from afar, they're even more vicious when you work really close to them." Kate explains, as if she's trying to scare me.

"So they're like the 'it girls' plus Charlie's angels." I make fun of Kate's exaggerating speech.

"Well, if you put it that way, yes. Natasha, Wanda, and Carol went to the same college together. They were bestfriends until they made their own careers. Natasha and Carol were able to merge together and soon Wanda joined. Everyone wanted to be them or even be close friends with them. After college, their friendship sort of faded and turned to a partnership instead. Although there are times when they would set aside work and actually talk to each other. But that doesn't happen often up until you" Yelena explained.

"You should be proud. You're able to tolerate them. I would quit if I had your job." Yelena jokes. 

While we continue to talk, I hear someone shouting outside the pantry. I see Ms. Romanoff lecturing one of her employees. 

"What the hell is this ? This isn't what I asked for ! Can't you get your job right ?" She continues to scream insults and tell him to do his job properly. I see the man in fear of the woman.

I run to them. "Natasha ! Enough, you can't talk to him like that!" I stop her from her offensive words. She looks at me in rage before storming off. I ask the guy if he's ok and he thanks me before walking away.


It is once again past my shift and I just finished the numerous amounts of work the three gave to me. After what I did a while ago, Ms. Romanoff loaded me with work which wasn't even part of my job. They are too petty.

I take all the papers they need to sign, contracts they need to read, and documents they requested for. Before I go to their offices, I planned to have the three in one office.

I walk to Ms. Romanoff's office. As I walk there, I realize that there is no one left in this floor. Even Kate or Yelena isn't here, I check my watch and see that it's midnight. I'm surprised of how fast the time went by.

I walk into the redhead's office without knocking, thankfully they were all in there. They looked surprised that I was still here. 

"Did you plan this ?" Ms. Danvers asks, confused as to why they were called in one office.

"Here. I need you to sign and read these. The rest is what you wanted." I give them all the files.

"You could've just given it to us individually Y/N. You can't just waste my time like this." Ms. Maximoff states.

"I am so sorry for wasting you time Ms. Maximoff. I just thought that it would be practical for me to hand out everything you needed in one room rather than chasing you around." I make them take the files, not receiving a thank you at the very least.

"Watch your attitude." Ms. Romanoff informs me.

I gasped internally at what this woman just said. You've got to be joking. I stop myself from spitting out insults to her and remain my decorum.

"I know that you are my boss and I mean all this respectfully. But you need to stop being such a stuck-up bitc-person." I stop myself from saying something that could get me fired, which might be a bit too late.

"We hope you make it out alive Y/N!"

A/N - Helllooo :) I don't know how to feel about this chapter, it's ehh. Anyways, how are you ? I hope you're doing good. Let it out in the comments <3 Love L.C ♡ 

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