Start from the beginning

She already had some fame now, so she must be careful outside.

Since Fu Xiaoxiao said that, her assistant stopped talking about it.

After Lisa and her friends walked away, the reporter who thought she looked familiar was still thinking about where he had seen her before.

He could see many familiar faces because of his job, but Lisa gave him a special feeling.

“What are you thinking?” his colleague asked.

“Do you know who the girl is? Why do I feel she looks so familiar,” the reporter asked.

“Is it really strange? We can see many familiar faces every day,” his colleague said airily.

“No, she’s special,” said the reporter.

“Oh, isn’t the girl Goddess Lisa? She looks the same as Goddess Lisa!” Right at this moment, a girl’s cry of excitement sounded, and the reporter finally remembered where he had seen Lisa before.

“It turns out she’s the famous Goddess Lisa on the Internet. No wonder I felt she looked so familiar. What a shame that I didn’t seize the good chance to interview her!” the reporter said, because Lisa was already far away.

“What? She’s Goddess Lisa?” His colleague was astonished too.

They had heard about Lisa’s achievements, but not many, so they failed to recognize her just now.

In the film academy, many people were surrounded by more people here and there, and they were mostly new actors with some fame.

Lisa and her friends accompanied Yeji for enrollment without encountering more trouble. They only attracted a lot of attention and some unkind looks along the way.

When they went to the dorm, Taehyun waited downstairs because he was a boy.

The other girls in the same dorm room as Yeji were already present, and there was only one upper bed left. Yeji didn’t think it was a bad thing, because she disliked sleeping at the bottom.

After simple cleaning, they left.

Unexpectedly, Lisa and her friends attracted the attention of an old man.

Lisa felt the old man must have recognized her, but it wasn’t strange.

In fact, the man wasn’t very old, he might be younger than 60 and was still full of energy.

After giving them several glances, the old man walked to them. At the same time, many students who walked by showed surprise. They were surprised because these freshmen happened to know Professor Gu.

If so, it would make everyone feel envious, because Professor Gu was the most respected teacher in Capital Film Academy. Each of his students had a very bright future.

Even though not all of his students joined the entertainment industry, they held a great position behind the screens. Therefore, many students wanted Professor Gu to teach them, but it was very difficult for Professor Gu to accept a student.

One had to be super lucky to get Professor Gu’s attention and approval. Moreover, Professor Gu had great connections in the entertainment industry. As long as a student gained his support, he or she could have endless opportunities to play great roles in films or TV shows.

Most importantly, Professor Gu was a reliable teacher, and he disliked unspoken rules.

“Are you Gu Lisa?” the old man directly asked Lisa.

Although it was a question, it seemed he already had the affirmative answer and was simply waiting to hear the answer from Lisa’s mouth.

The old man had heard most of Lisa’s achievements, and he admired her very much.

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