married couple

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Sunny and Basil were taking a quick walk together — just to Polly, then back again at Hero and Kel's house.

It wouldn't take Basil more than 15 minutes to do that, but the boy right beside him insisted to come.

"January's ending," Basil said. "Then only three weeks until you leave."


"...I want you to stay with me, if that was even possible."

"After we finish high school —" he turned to look at him. "Should we live in together?"

"H-Huh!? What are you talking about?"

"Why are you getting flustered? It's not like living in as a married couple," he laughed. "Unless you wanna get married by then."

"Stop teasing me!"

"But you're so cute."

"S...Stop," Basil faced away

"I was just thinking of college. The nearest ones are still pretty far from here, maybe we can go to the same university and find a dorm together. Are you planning on going to college?"

" parents want me to."

"Do you have any university in mind?"

"Not really..."

"Then it's settled! Let's go to the same one. Then we won't need to be so far away from each other. I could hold your hand whenever I want," he smiled.



They were near his house.

"N-Nothing, I'll tell you later."

"Leaving me on a cliffhanger, huh? I'll let you off the hook since we're here."

Basil opened the door. He thought Polly would be doing some chores, but she was sound asleep on the couch. He didn't wanna wake her up; she's probably worn out taking care of him and doing everything in this house. He felt kind of bad for it sometimes, so he made sure things were a little easier for her and helped too. She always told him he doesn't need to, though. But he treats her as family. He doesn't want her having a hard time.

He made a note saying not to cook dinner for him. He wondered if she'll be fine having dinner alone.

"It's really silent... Unlike Kel's house. It's a ruckus there. So many things going on." Sunny said, taking a good look at Basil's house, noticing things he never did before

Basil placed the note on the dinner table. "But it's really fun, don't you think? It feels warm. Unlike's lonely."

"I understand. I feel like that, too. Ever since...she was gone...everything is just a little quieter in our house."

"Is that why you wanna live together?"

"Because I'm sure I'll never feel lonely with you."

Basil was starting to love the idea of living with him; going home from school after such a long day and seeing felt like a dream to him. He wished time would go faster now. But only after he leaves.

"We should go now, they're waiting for us," he told.

They went out, the cold wind welcoming them.

"Now you have to tell me what you were gonna say." Sunny said as he warmed his hands with his breath.

"Uh...there's no fun if you ask it like that. You have to wait.

"Whaaat? That's unfair! I'm so curious!"

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