to make it even

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Sunny hasn't heard from Basil for a while now. And by "a while," it was just since yesterday.

Did he do something wrong?

Besides, you know, confessing all of a sudden? Basil didn't think it was that weird, right?

See me soon again. He remembered those words. So it was impossible that Basil was ignoring him just because he said a sentence that involved love and you.

Sunny felt like he wanted to rot in bed.

"You look terrible," Kel commented. "You okay?"


"Aw, are you lovesick?"

Sunny looked at him. He was not amused.

"I'm kidding. Anyway, let's head out to Gino's and get some food for everyone."

"Go with your brother."

"Don't be so stubborn." Kel walked to Sunny's bed, forcing him to sit up. "I've been friends with you for so long that I know when you just need someone. Now come on, let's have some long-awaited bonding time since you came here."

"What does that even mean?"

"We haven't hung out on our own yet, dummy! So stand up. We're going out."

Sunny groaned, but he had no choice. It's not that he didn't wanna go; it was the opposite, actually. He wanted to spend some time with Kel too. But he just feels really awful right now. Maybe going out and getting some food can cheer him up...he'll talk to Basil tomorrow.


Gino's was still the same as he remembered. Well, not much can really happen in a year, except for a few tweaks here and there. Vague memories of his childhood appeared in his head, but he brushed them off away.

"Ah! The smell of fresh pizza!" Kel said. To him, this place almost felt like a second home. If it were to ever close, he thinks he'll cry.

They walked to the counter. "Anything you want, Sunny? Hero will probably want the Hero Sandwich. I want a pizza right now."

"Hm...maybe just cheese pizza for me."

"That's all? That's so plain!"

"Well, it's what I want. Be off and order already."

Kel squinted at him. "So harsh and cold, dear Sunny."

Sunny was wearing a hoodie today. A black one. Very in character. His hands were inside his hoodie's pockets, trying to warm them up. As he looked around the place, he caught sight of a familiar figure. Blond, blue eyes, wearing suspenders.

"Bas –"

There was someone with him, so he couldn't call him out. He looked a little older than they were, maybe a senior in their school. They were they were enjoying themselves. Something uncomfortable was building up inside Sunny's system. He wondered what they were talking about; what could Basil possibly be smiling so much for?

Then the unknown guy ruffled his hair.

Something exploded inside him.

He didn't wanna let it show, since Kel was with him, and he didn't wanna ruin their 'long-awaited bonding time.'

It's probably no one, I shouldn't be overthinking this, he thought. I already told myself I'll talk to him tomorrow...

"Done!" Kel said, holding their order.

"Um, Kel, can we...not stay here to eat?"

"Huh? Then where? Don't tell me you wanna go back home!"

"It doesn't have to be home. Just...not here."

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