"Because you're the villain in this story," George reminded. "I'm not supposed to love you."

"But do you?" Dream inquired, tilting his head to the side. George spluttered, unsure of whether or not to tell the truth or not.

"Asshole," George murmured grumpily.

"Honestly, you started it," Clay began, coming to sit beside George. When met with a blank stare, he continued. "You told me about your sister, Katherine."

"I told you her name, not her life story," George argued.

"It was enough." George looked away to avoid meeting the blonde's gaze. Dream's omniscience was terrifying. The killer put his hand back into George's.

"Like I said, you don't have to be afraid anymore," he said, lowering his voice again. "I won't ever hurt you again. I'd protect you with my life if I had to."

"I'm sorry," George whispered. "I don't know if believe you." With that, he turned his back on Dream. The blonde took this as his cue to leave, letting his hand run down George's back before rising.

"I'll be right back," he told him. When Dream returned, it was with a thin black rectangle.

"They're looking for you," he said coldly, showing George the phone.

Have you seen this man?

This is George Davidson. The FBI believe him to have been kidnapped by the Dream Killer at around 7:30 PM  on the 8th of April. He was taken from the Gaslight Social in Casper, Wyoming and moved to an unknown location. We just want George back home safely. There is a reward of $10,000 for anybody who has any valuable information about George's whereabouts or the man who took him. 

"Am I supposed to be upset about that?"  George asked. He knew his friends wouldn't give up unless he wanted them to, Puffy least of all. According to the phone, it was the 14th of April. He had been in the room for almost a week.

"The closer they look, the closer they get to finding you. To finding us," Dream snarled.

"What if I told them to stop?" George suggested suddenly.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?" Dream spoke with a humourless laugh. 

"No, honestly. We can stage a hostage-type thing. You've got my gun, don't you?" Dream nodded, prompting the brunette to go on. 

"You can pretend to hold me at gunpoint while I tell them to stop looking, simple enough."

"That will just make them search harder," Clay shook his head.

"Let me tell them to stop looking," George repeated. "I'm assuming you have a VPN, just make yourself untraceable."

"Fuck's sake..." Clay mumbled. "Fine." George hid his excitement as Dream went back upstairs, not even bothering to close the door. 

"We need to make it look realistic," Dream came back with his phone, the gun and a kitchen knife. It was the kind of blade you saw psychopaths wielding in horror movies. This was a psychopath, but it was no movie. (Actually, George had been wondering if the entire insanity ploy was just that - a ruse to get out of jail time.)

"Wh- What are you going to do with that?" George stammered in a whisper, fear coursing through him. He began shuffling to the wall, as far as the chains would allow. They still hadn't come off, and were beginning to leave painful blisters all over his wrists. 

"Only what you let me," Clay said softly, approaching slowly and cautiously. George knew Dream was right - if he looked untouched, there was no way they'd believe the script George had written inside his head.   

"Don't you have fake blood or something?" Dream shook his head morosely.

"Okay. Go for your life," George permitted. Clay grimaced as he drew the knife across George's skin. A thin sheet of blood came cascading down his face, matting his hair and dripping down onto his shirt. 

"Shit, sorry," he whispered as George closed his eyes, waiting for the pain to stop. 

"I'm okay," the brunette panted. He'd had worse.

"Sorry," was all George heard as Dream nicked little cuts over his face and neck. When he was done, George was sore, crying and slightly more irritable than before, but looked beaten up all the same. Dream bought out something else - a steel collar. George watched doe-eyed as it was locked around his neck (he didn't sign up for that) but said nothing. Dream set the camera rolling and George began his spiel. 

"Hi... Puffy, if you're watching this, please, just stop. He says that if you come anywhere near us, he'll kill me and you. I can't let you get hurt for me. So please, stop looking for me. By the time you get this, I'll probably be dead anyway. I've accepted my fate. Please do the same. Tell Katherine and Jennifer that I love them, and tell Tommy and Toby that I'll miss them greatly. Tell Minx to curb-stomp some cunts for me. Tell them all that I'll be watching from above, that I'll never leave their sides. This is possibly the last you'll hear from me, so thank you. Thank you for everything."

The brunette felt another tear run down his cheek. His acting was better than he thought! Dream cut the recording and immediately unlatched the collar. George cracked his neck, re-opening a couple of the cuts that had closed. Dream began unfastening George's chains from the floor.

"What are you-"

"Shhh," Clay hushed. He picked the  Brit up with ease, leaving George unable to do anything but hold on. 

The bloodied knife lay forgotten on the floor.

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