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By the FBI's estimate, Dream would be in Wyoming by now. Consequently, so was George. It was now early April and the snow was beginning to clear from the ground. What remained of it crunched under his feet as he wandered through the streets of Casper. Minx and Puffy were on his earpiece, telling him where to go and how to get there. They were only guessing, anticipating Dream's next move, but the blonde was becoming more and more predictable. For such an experienced killer, Clay really was a bit thick when it came to not getting caught. His movements were entirely expected. Was Dream trying  to be found?

Either way, he was surprisingly easy to find. George had been wandering the city aimlessly for two hours, dipping in and out of alleys and no-exit-roads until he ended up in front of a high school, Natrona County. The sun was high in the sky and it was broad daylight. Surely that wasn't Dream lingering outside the wrought-iron gates? George tentatively stepped forward, his hand hovering over his weapon. He wasn't going to use it even if it was Dream - not in front of a school. Through the earpiece, Minx told him that she'd already alerted the school to follow lockdown procedures. The kids were safe, now George had to worry about himself.

"Oi!" he shouted. The man in the green hoodie turned to look at who was shouting. When he saw George, his expression went from one of confusion to passive comfort.

"Congratulations, George, you found me," Dream smiled. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming." He opened his arms welcomingly. George took a step back.

"Don't touch me," the brunette warned. Clay put his hands up.

"I won't. PTSD, huh?" 

"Excuse me?"

"Well, I shot you, didn't I?" Dream reminded with a grimace. "By the way, I really am sorry about that."

"Don't worry about it," George deadpanned. He'd prepared himself for this topic to come up in conversation. Clay raised an eyebrow. 

"Don't worry about it," he repeated with a forlorn look. "I almost killed you, George." Clay looked at his feet, cradling his arms to his chest. George eyed him carefully.

"You didn't, so it's cool," George told him cautiously. He was mindful of the fact that this was a master manipulator in its natural habitat - he wouldn't allow himself to be fooled.

"No, it's not. I almost fucking killed you and you think it's somehow okay? You beautiful, beautiful person, I don't deserve to breathe the same air as you. Oh, love, you're so good to me," Dream didn't bother with keeping George at a distance that was comfortable for him, instead crossing his boundaries by wrapping his arms around the brunette and resting his chin on the top of his head. George stiffened under his hold, closing his eyes and waiting patiently for the awkward hug to end.

"Don't touch me," George reiterated. Clay pulled away, staring sheepishly at the brunette boy in front of him. Muttering a quick "Sorry", the blonde turned back to the school.

"You know, if you hadn't shown up I would have gone in there, found a girl's bathroom and stabbed someone in a stall," Dream quipped, recounting his plan as if it was completely normal to break into a school and murder somebody. George opened his mouth to say something but stopped short, realising.

"Stab them with what?"

"This," Dream smiled, drawing his sleeve back to reveal a dagger not unlike the one he had used to break the glass on that oh-so-fateful day. George darted forward, snatching the knife before Dream could do anything with it. 

"I'm confiscating this."

"I don't blame you," Dream said with a wry smile.

"Got any other weapons that I should take from you?" 

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