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"Oh, not again," the girl muttered as she watched Dream come out of the basement with a smug smile.

"Hey, don't you start," Clay warned, sticking a finger at her. "It's bad enough I've got to deal with Mom later tonight."

"When are you going to stop?"

"When I feel like killing him," Dream responded calmly.

"I mean in general, Clay."

"Oh. Never."

"You know what, fuck you," the girl said with an eye roll.

"You tell him, Drista!" Someone else called from the next room. Giving Sapnap a thumbs-up, Drista continued.

"Who is it this time?"

"Wouldn't you like to know~" Clay singsonged, shoving his sister playfully before going into the kitchen. "It's no one you'd like. He's too old for you, and way out of your league."

"I always knew you were gay," Drista shot back, gaining a cackle from the living room.

"Dris, it's Dream Not Found!" Sapnap shouted.

"Never heard of it," she called back.

"For good reason!" Dream cried out from the kitchen. Drista, still curious, took one look at the basement entrance before following Dream into the kitchen.

"I wanna go talk to him," she pressed. Dream shrugged.

"You know the drill. Don't tell him anything about you, me or Sap and don't undo the chains. This one's harmless, though, he won't try anything," Clay told her, giving her the little silver key she needed to use in order to get in.

"Got it," Drista smiled as she turned, walking out of the kitchen and down the basement stairs.

She peered around the door, expecting to see some kind of burlesque man that could kill her in an instant. Imagine her surprise when she found a short, skinny, brown-haired boy squinting in the low light to see her. Clay had told the truth - this guy was looked like a cinnamon bun. He wouldn't do anything. Drista stepped around the door, revealing herself completely.

"Mmm mm mu?" The boy asked. Drista took that to mean 'who are you' and answered accordingly.

"I'm Drista," she said with a kind smile. She could tell that she was going to like this one.

"Mmph," The brunette made a little noise at the back of his throat. Oh, right, Drista thought. She walked over to him, painfully aware of how he flinched when she got near, and untied the bit of fabric.

"Better?" She asked, moving back a few feet and sitting cross-legged in front of him. He nodded, mimicking her and sitting the same way. 

"What's your name?" Drista asked. Despite being able to respond the boy just sat there, staring blankly at her. This disappointed Drista.

"If you don't want to talk, that's fine," she began. The brunette boy nodded gratefully. "I'll just go get Dream to make  you talk." His eyes widened to the size of saucers.

"Please don't!" he begged desperately. Drista suppressed a shiver at his obvious distress. She didn't like threatening people with her brother, especially not ones she wanted to befriend.

"I won't," she promised, extending her pinky for him to link. He hesitated before putting his finger through hers. They stayed like that for a few seconds before the boy pulled his hand away, avoiding eye contact.

"It's George," he whispered hoarsely. He'd been crying for a little over half an hour at that point, it was only natural. 

"Nice name," Drista commented.

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