Chapter 32

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Draco had side along apparated to the Ministry after leaving Hermione's flat. Potter ignored his grumblings about the late hour and insisted they go file some paperwork in regards to the incident at the club with Weasley.

They stood in front of the one-way glass, Weasley just on the other side in the holding cell. Draco shoved his hands in his pockets as he looked at the redheaded wizard. He looked no worse for wear, maybe a bit hungover at this point, and his expression that of someone who was lost. Possible regret seemed to touch his freckled face. Potter had yet to ask Weasley about his side of what had happened, but it undoubtedly would not help clear him of his charges.

"You want to press charges, Draco?" Potter asked from behind him where he was seated at one of the small observation tables.

"No," Draco responded coolly.

He knew he should. He could press multiple charges, in fact. There were at least five misdemeanors he could think of off the top of his head; smuggling a wand, use of magic in a non-magical zone, using magic while intoxicated, attacking an unarmed person, endangering bystanders. Draco could easily press charges on him for attacking and injuring his person. He wondered briefly if Hermione would come in to give her statement, but a part of him knew she wouldn't speak out against her friend.

Potter scribbled something on the paper in front of him, "I thought you would relish the idea of punishing him."

Draco kept his back turned to Potter, looking at Weasley but not really seeing him. "I won't press charges, Potter. I'll let it drop this time."

"Listen, you are really putting me between a hard place and a rock, Draco. Either way, he is getting thirty days in Azkaban regardless of what you decide. Upon his release, his wand will remain confiscated for an additional thirty days, possibly longer."

Draco turned on his heel to look at Potter, taking in his tired expression, the way his hair stood on end even more chaotic than usual. At some point during the years working together, Potter had stopped occluding his mind around him. Not that he had been great at it in the first place, but Draco could always read the aurors expressions as easily as if he had spoken his thoughts aloud. He could tell that Potter was having a difficult time booking his friend.

Draco decided in that moment that maybe this was his opportunity to show Weasley how he had changed; the old him would have jumped at the idea of pressing charges against him, possibly he would have even taken him to court to watch him squirm. And he did relish the idea of letting the redhead sit in a jail cell; but he knew that it would be held against him. Weasley would never move on from it. And he would forever continue to be a thorn in Draco's side.

Hermione would be forced to constantly choose between him and her friends.

And while Weasley deserved a thorough lashing and whatever punishment that was intended for him, Draco wanted to be with Hermione. Wanted her to be with him and not have to be worried about her friends thoughts and opinions of him. That he had become a better person and was no longer that the spiteful prat he used to be.

Was this taking the high road? It didn't really feel as great as people made it out to sound. It sure felt like he was just letting Weasley win.

"Potter, just do your paperwork," Draco finally said as Potter looked at him from over the rim of his glasses, "I'll pay his bond, too."

The aurors eyebrows raised a notch to disappear into the fringe of his hair, "Draco, the bond is—"

Draco held up a hand as he looked back to Weasley, "I don't care how much it is. Just make it happen."

Potter leaned back into his chair and set his quill down, his expression of curiosity, "what's the reason, Draco?"

He was silent for a long moment before lifting a shoulder in a shrug.

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