Chapter 26

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"Priori Incantatem," Hermione stated as she sat down in the chair across from Potter, setting the old leather bound book on the desk. The three of them were in the aurors office, Draco seated next to her with his long legs stretched out and ankles crossed, his thigh pressed to hers. Her leg felt warm and soft and he had a hard time concentrating all of a sudden.

"You mean that spell when Voldemort's and my wand connected?" Potter asked her as he kept his eyes trained on her face. They had come up almost immediately after lunch and Draco note that Potter looked as if he had to bite back a remark at the sight of their joined hands.

Almost reluctantly, Draco had released Hermione's fingers from her own to sit where he was now. Hermione had made it very clear she did not care who knew anymore, but he was not about to piss of one of the only wizards who stood by his side over the years. Even if he was a scar headed prat. He let his attention wander back to the exthusiastic witch next to him; his witch. She was absolutely beautiful when she was animated like this; her eyes wide, her cheeks flushed, her hair...a bit on the crazy side as it fell out of the bun atop her head and small ringlets framed her face.

"Yes!" She was saying as she opened the book, flipping through pages of handwritten text.

"Hermione, that was because our wands had the same core," Potter responded to her, a frown forming on his face.

Hermione gave an exasperated sigh, "when Bellatrix made that potion, what was it in it?"

Draco drew his attention from her lips at the sound of his aunts name, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair briefly. "Blood."

"Right! But more specifically...?" Hermione waved a hand, trying to get one of them to answer. When neither moved to respond she rolled her eyes, "Draco's blood and my blood."

Potter was resting his elbows on the table as he leaned forward to listen to her, "so because of the connection you two share, does that mean your blood is the same?" His green eyes grew wide for a moment and his voice dropped to a whisper, "oh god, does that mean you are related?"

The two in question exchanged glances before laughing at Potter's expense. Draco felt a sense of mirth flutter through him as he stared at Potter. Oh yes, he was a brilliant Auror but sometimes he could be so daft.

"That sounds like something Ron would say," Hermione pointed out with a smirk.

Draco pressed his fingers to his temples as he closed his eyes, trying hard to repress another laugh, "are you always this dense, Potter?"

"You said it was like Priori, which requires two of the same things!" Potter said defensively as his cheeks grew red.

"She meant because we are two people with magical blood," Draco drawled over Potter's words with an exaggerated eye roll towards the ceiling.

"Exactly. Obviously there are other factors that could go into such as blood type," Hermione was saying to Harry, and Draco shot her a curious look. "Muggle medical science, Draco. Everyone's blood has a type, such as A or B know? Nevermind on that right now. I'll teach you about that another time."

Draco's smirked at Hermione suggestively, "I would love to—"

Hermione shot him a warning look as Potter pretended to gag just in his peripheral vision, "I will throw up if you finish that sentence. I can't even..."

"Relax, Potter, I was just saying—"

"Please, you both are so dramatic," Hermione pinched the bridge of her nose, her hand conveniently hiding the red that stained her cheeks, "anyway...Bellatrix knew about the Priori from Voldemort, which means she knew about how magical properties react to each other on some level. However, I don't think she intended for the connection to be as strong as it is."

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