Chapter 25

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Harry was reading the newspaper as she reached the table and he glanced up at her. She smoothed a hand over her hair as she sat down, trying not to meet his gaze. There was no way he knew she had just been pinned up against a wall by Draco. Just yards away, no less. She felt her cheeks grow hot as she thought about the fact that anyone could have just walked in on them. How Draco had covered her mouth to stifle her moans. Her whole body trembled at the memory. She could still feel his heated touch burning into her skin.

"Alright there, Hermione?" Harry asked as he shook out the paper a little.

"What? I'm fine," she waved a hand at him as she opened her book again, trying to hide her face.

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug as he scanned a page of the paper, "you were gone for a bit."

Hermione pressed a hand to her burning hot cheek, "I had to use the loo."

"Did the lights go out in the bathroom?" Harry asked her as he flipped the page.

Her eyebrows rose slightly as she looked at her friend, "I don't think so? I wasn't paying attention. Why?"

Green eyes studied her, narrowing slightly, "There was an odd power surge while you were gone. Thought maybe you would have noticed it."

Oh, god.

They had been so lost in the heat of the moment that she bloody forgot about their magic reacting to each other.

"Hm, that is odd," she replied in a quiet voice, lifting her book a little higher.

His green eyes continued to stare at her from over the newspaper before shifting to look past her shoulder. She felt the air shift around them as she felt his presence before Harry even said anything; "Afternoon, Draco."

She felt him step closer, just behind her chair and to the side slightly.


Draco's hand came to rest on the back of her chair as he leaned down slightly, looking over her shoulder, "Hermione," his heat engulfed her, "you find anything useful yet?"

His fingers brushed along the back of her neck, sending a delightful shiver along her spine. Aware that Harry was watching them with a guarded expression, she cleared her throat and dared a glance up to Draco. Oh god, he was so close to her. His silver eyes glinted deviously at her as he let them travel along her lips before looking at the open pages of her book.

"I did, actually," Hermione responded in a quiet voice. She cleared her throat and closed the book, setting it onto the table.

Draco's lips tilted in a smirk, "of course you did."

She felt one of his fingers capture a lose curl at the nape of her neck and give it a slight tug.

"You didn't say anything to me," Harry interjected as he set his newspaper down.

Hermione cleared throat again as Draco straightened, putting space between them again. His damn fingers were still touching the back of her neck and driving her to distraction.

"Well, I wanted to read a little more about it before putting it on the table. Just in case I'm wrong."

Harry rolled his eyes, "Hermione, have you ever been wrong?"

"Yes, there was that one ti—"

"That was a rhetorical question," Harry said over her, scoffing slightly as he said under his breath, "brightest witch of her age."

"I can hear you, Harry." Hermione grabbed his paper and swatted at his arm with it.

"Maybe we can talk about what you found?" Draco interjected as he shifted next to her.

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