Family Cuddles

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When they got back to the camp it was around 2:30 PM so David let the kids just run around until dinner, afterwards there was a campfire and bed,

That night, David and Gwen planned a movie night with Max, they asked him to take a shower and get his pajamas on, which was a blue T shirt over red shorts, David wore a white T with dark grey sweatpants his hair that was normally held up with gel was now flat on his head slightly covering his eyes, and Gwen wore a sports bra and shorts, hair down as well, it reached her shoulders

Max sat between David and Gwen, David laying on the couch, his left leg behind the other two running the entire length of the piece of furniture, Max sat between his legs leaning against his torso and Gwen had her back against the opposite arm, her legs slightly draped over Max's

They watched Ghostbusters one and two and about halfway through Ghostbusters Afterlife Gwen looked up from her book to notice the boys asleep, with the adorable scene ahead of her she decided to take a picture standing up to do so

The sight ahead of the 25 year old made her swoon, she and David talked about having kids when they were still dating and in that plan everything phase that most couples have but never actually do,

This made Gwen happy, so far they had done everything in their bucket list plus some, they planned on getting engaged at their graduation check ✅, start teaching at the same school district check ✅, married in June check ✅, they did that the summer before, work at David's childhood summer camp check ✅, and they even adopted a kid. Wow

Gwen POV

I looked at my boys lovingly, I always wanted a family, my mother married my father for money and my father is a musician, so I practically raised myself, I also knew David wanted one as well, he came from a similar situation as Max, but he was never saved, he was left at Camp Campbell when he was 14 and Cameron just kept him to do his own personal dirty acts on the underaged child. It's why he always tries so hard to impress him.

So here I watch as my and David's family come together, us three. My baby boy and my darling husband, my world. Soon after David woke up, he always did wake up not long after he falls asleep if he's not in a real bed,

He blinked awake, "Gwen" he said quietly in a deep, well deeper than normal, 'morning' voice "what time is it?" He tried to sit up before realizing there was a weight on top of him. That's when he actually woke up, fully concious Max was on his chest and David's left art played on top of him, "how long has he been like this?"

"Hours" I smiled softly, "I've taken photos if you want me to take him to bed so you can sleep"

" I would love that, but I am very comfortable,"

"You want to stay there?" He nodded, "on the couch?" He nodded again, "where you said when we got married that if we had an argument you would never sleep on the couch because it was bad for your back"

"I know but"

"Your afraid he won't do this again aren't you?"

"Yes, Max isn't always cuddly. I don't want him to think that us leaving him in his room was because we were mad"

"Want to take him to our room?"

"Please Gwen," I smiled smiled pushing his hair up out of his face pressing a kiss on his forehead, "what was that for?"

"Your a good dad" I said before gently picking up the ten year old so David could stand up. Once up David walked up to me pressing a light kiss on my cheek,

"And your a great mom, I love you"

I smiled with a light blush carrying the small, ridiculously light child to our room David pulled all the covers down so I could lay Max in the middle and we got in on our sides of the bed.


I woke up early the next morning I knew this because there was barely any light in the room, I soon noticed a weight on me. No, more than one, I fully opened my eyes seeing I was in their bed Gwens arms wrapped around my torso from behind, she was practically spooning me and David was in front of me I was pressed against his chest his right arm went over me to where I noticed his hand on her upper arm his thumb slowly going back and forth like a ridiculously slow metronome his other arm was over my head but under Gwens, I love these two they are my parents I call them mom and dad, but it's hard to think about them that way, I don't know why

They were so peaceful, it reminded me of what my old parents used to do, it was very similar to this.

I decided to just close my eyes and just bask in the warmth of their arms.

Not too long later David blinked awake, moving his right arm off of Gwen, slowly stretching before going back to his old position,

"How long have you been awake Max?" he asked, his voice was low, and his words were muffled despite having nothing blocking him from talking normally,

"Not long, how long have you been?"

"Couple hours"

"Is mom up?"

"No, I normally wait until her 7 o'clock alarm before actually making her get up,"

And just like magic the alarm on his phone went off waking her up, she sat up slowly leaning over me to kiss David's temple, "morning love" he said quietly again sitting up,

"Is Max awake?"

"Yes, yes I am," I said

"Can you be sarcastic later I'm a little too tired to deal with this"

She rolled out of bed walking out of the room to start the coffee maker while David got up to take a shower, and get ready, it was very obvious who they were and how they lived, Gwen prioritized coffee and David prioritized cleanliness, I however got up and got dressed and walked over so mom could hand me a small medicine up with a couple of small red pills and a glass of water, my beta blockers

Not long later David walked out of the bathroom now only wearing his green tree shirt and khaki shorts, no bandana, no belt, no shoes. I guess this is the first time I ever woke up early enough to see all of this, because I watched as he walked to the small locked medicine cabinet where all of the meds are and grab a bottle of Prozac, that is a type of antidepressants, he took the pills, put them back and walked back to his room to finish getting ready.

Not long after the two walked in mom's coffee was done and dad was now his normal cherry self, the switch in attitude scared me but now, it was time to start the day

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