Beta Blockers

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When the kids and David went outside to file up on the bus and too generally get out of the way Gwen stayed with Max and filled out the paperwork asking Max questions about his medical history she didn't know

When Gwen turned it in she left Max to change into jeans and a white hoodie that he was uncomfortable wearing because it reminded him of the day he met Daniel

When the nurse and Gwen walked in the doctors handed her the prescription and they sat there figuring everything and getting their questions asked so Gwen pulled her diary (the one she writes her trash stories in) and took notes for Max

"What are common side effects in Beta Blockers?" Gwen both asked and wrote

"Well Beta blockers stop them action of hormone adrenaline" she answers and Gwen copied doen "it slows your heart rate and it will lower your blood pressure and lower the stress in your heart"

"If I run out or get to a point where i need them what can i do to lower my blah blah blah when I need to" Max asked

"You can try sitting cross legged and taking deep breaths until you calm down"

"Are there any food items in need to limit in Max's food?"

"Limit your consumptions in high potassium foods like bananas"

The 3 went on for about 3 minutes asking Questions

Max's least favorite is

"Max drinks coffee every morning should I stop him from that"

"Yes, you should limit Max from eating or drinking products that are high in caffeine and he should also avoid any over-the-counter cough and cold medicines, and i know your too young to drink but he shouldn't drink any alcohol because it decreases the effect of beta blockers"

When they got back to the bus the kids were staring at Max. He knew why he was just diagnosed with a rareish disorder right in front of them

"Max?" Neil asked when he sat down in the back of the bus nect to him

"Neil, if your going to ask for forgiveness, or if I'm ok. Don't I've gotten asked that more than once I can assure you that In ok and im not mad at you guys"

"You are? I told you didn't deserve your parents what kind if monster says that"

"You, but your flaws are why your my friend, i wouldn't have it any other way"

"I told you to kill yourself"


"And what?"

"That isn't ok"

"My parents told me to die all the time when they were allowed to see me"

"They arent allowed to see you"

"Exactly, I was beaten bullied and neglected. Im like this is think that that's normal because of them"

"And that's why David and Gwen are adopting you?"

"Uh huh, and the fact that your actually feel remorse helps the most, if you didn't cate then I wouldn't forgive you but you genially care"


"My parents. They didn't care they actually didn't care they would beat me and show no expression they would beat me drink and not show remorse the next day. I would get bullied in school for being quiet and or rude and get beaten because I was weak or I would lash out out of anger and pain and get beaten for them getting bothered because in their eyes it was my fault they would look me in my room for days at a time and they wouldn't give me food or water. I would be in full rooms shoulder to shoulder and still feel alone"

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