Benny Rodriguez - Do it again 🦋/⚠ M

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But it was getting harder and harder- it seems like everyday my crush on Benny just grows. I tried so hard to ignore but it just seemed to be there in the back of my mind, all the time. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Squints. "I can't take it anymore!"  He began to swim away, and I watched him curiously. 'where the hell is he going?'

He got out of the pool, and made his way towards...the diving board?

"Whats wrong with him?" Smalls asked curiously. "Guess after 3 summers of this he finally snapped." shrugged Bertram, but I didn't take my eyes off the diving board. "I dont know, but thats the deep  end and Squints can't swim!!" 

yep, there it is. Realization finally started to hit everyone, and we all rushed towards the edge of the pool. 

The next few minutes- which felt like hours- were a blur. A mess of yelling, and everyone crowding around the boy and the lifeguard. I watched nervously as Wendy performed CPR on my friend. Around me the other boys were yelling out things to Squints- as if he could hear them. It wasnt until I felt something warm on my hand that I looked away. 

I looked down to see Benny grabbing my hand anxiously. A bold blush spread across my face, but I shook my head. 'your  friend is drowning Y/n, save the gay for later'. 

Finally, I saw Squints open his eyes. I shot him a confused look, to which he returned with a wink. He closed his eyes again, back to the dead. After a moment he reached up and grabbed the back of Wendy's head, pushing her down and kissing her passionately. All of us stood there shocked, as Wendy broke away and began screaming.

 "You little pervert!!"

"Aw man hes in some deep shit!!"


"Damn, what a day." 

I chuckled, my gaze staying on the sky above me. "I know right." Benny sighed next to me, closing his eyes. We both were laying in the same position, with our hands behind our heads and our backs against the cold roof tile of my house. 

We would normally come up here, specifically in the summer. It was like our own little thing. 

We laid there in silence for a bit more, not saying much. It was a comfortable silence, but there was something in the back of my mind that just kept bothering me. I sat up, pulling my knees to my chest and hugging them with my arms . 

Benny glanced up at me. "You good?" I stayed silent for another minute. "So you really like Wendy, huh?" With this he sat up from his previous position, and looked at me oddly. "What do you mean?" I shrugged. "I dont know, at the pool and everything. The way you talked and looked at her, seems like you like her."

 He chuckled. "Eh, I don't know. Not really my type." Confused, I turned to look at him. "Really?"

He shrugged.  "I mean she's attractive, yeah, but that doesn't really mean I like her." He said, looking up at the sky again. I nodded and returned my gaze to the tile of my roof once again. I was curious, and confused. He spoke about her so weirdly at the pool, only to say shes not his type? I hesitated, but eventually built up the courage to ask. "So who do you like?"

He looked away from the sky, and turned to me. Our eyes met and I blushed, and I only hoped he wouldn't be able to see. "Why do you wanna know?" He asked, an amused grin visible on his face. The blush grew on my face as I became flustered, racking my brain for the right words to say. "U-uh, I dont know. you said you dont like Wendy so-"

Benny laughed again. Oh how I loved that laugh. "Calm down man- its fine. And if you really wanna know- I do have a person on my mind." I nodded again. "Who is she?" I asked, and he turned to me. "Bold of you to assume its a she." He said confidently.

I was slightly taken aback by this. I always thought he was straight, and here he was, basically coming out to me. And so confidently too. "what?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "But I thought you liked girls?" 

"And I thought Phillips had more then one braincell at one time. I was wrong." I laughed at his comment, and he smiled. "That's fair" I said, my laughing coming to a slow stop. His gaze stayed on me, and I looked at him with one eyebrow raised. "...what?"

He shrugged, smile not fading and eyes never moving. "Nothing." He said, chuckling a bit and looking away 

"What do you mean nothing-"

"I mean nothing!"

"Dude you're staring at me, what, do I have something on my face or-"

He cut me off by leaning forward and cupping my face with his hands. I instantly shut up, flustered at the action. He stared at me for a moment, his eyes moving from my eyes, down to my lips, and back to my eyes. I swallowed nervously. "B-Benny?"

He didn't speak, just continued to look at me. "You".


"You. That's who I like, not Wendy." I widened my eyes in shock as the words left his mouth. "Wait really?" He also seemed slightly nervous, as he looked away trying to avoid eye contact. It took me a minute to process what he said, millions of thoughts racing through my brain. I finally built up the courage to speak.

"I like you too."

His eyes widened, and he finally looked at me. A smile was evident on his features, even in the dark. "For real?!" I smiled and nodded, my heart swelling in my chest. Without another word, he moved his head forward. Next thing i knew I could feel his lips on mine, and his other hand had made its way onto my face. 

Without a second thought I kissed him back meaningly. I had been waiting years to do this, and let me tell you it was even better then I had imagined. After another minute he pulled away, panting slightly. I did the same, smiling like a mad man.

He rested his forehead against mine and we sat there for a minute, enjoying the silence and the moment. 

"Man, I've been waiting to do that for 2 years." Benny said, and I chuckled. "I've been waiting to do that for 3 years, and boy am I glad it happened."

He smiled at me, before replying. 

"Well then, let's do it again."

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