Chapter 2: The awakening •Rewritten•

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Nightmare was abruptly awoken by someone picking up, He slowly opened his eyes to see this. Woman. Infront of him. He was confused. He looked at himself noticing he was now a human. His eyes shot open and he looked between all the people in the room. Thats when he noticed a old man standing in the corner. He glared at him and the Man looked shocked but played it off as nothing.

He then looked back to the woman and immediately decided that the woman was the mother of the child he now was. So he put his hand on her face. He didn't notice dream anywhere near and got pissed that he had to wait. After abit he was unhanded and put down.

A few months later they were in hiding. Godrics hollow to be exact. His so called Father was sitting reading as he was on the floor. That was then his father was alerted of the presence of a new person. His mother grabbed him quickly and started running upstairs. Nightmare was abit confused at this.

"Harry, your mommy and daddy love you so so much" she said other things aswell and thats when he realised. They would die. He could hear someone walking up the stairs but had no way to protect the woman who showed kindness to him. He wasn't back to his full strength yet.

He had to sit and watch as she was killed. Being honest he did shed a tear as she screamed. He looked up to the newfound man in the room pointing a wand at him. He was pissed. A spell was shot at him but the diety from before deflected it and shot it back at the man. He dropped into a pile of ashes while Nightmare watched in the cot.

A few minutes later a giant thing walked in and picked him up. He looked at the man confused as he walked out and took him to a motorcycle. He was placed in it and still looked at the giant confused till it started to fly. He looked even more confused but tied it to the magic in this world.

They started to fly over so many places, Also making him decide to sleep as it was late and a human body can't survive on no sleep. During his sleep he was brought to Private drive. Being picked up woke him again.

He wasn't too happy about that but just dealt with it. He was placed on a door step with a letter after the three people talked abit. He didn't listen to what they were saying. The doorbell was pushed and he was left. In the cold.

As morning came the door opened and the woman there screamed in a shrill voice, She sounded like a fucking banshee. Nightmare looked at her. 'Wonder what the hell i can do here.' He thought before she picked him up and brought him inside the home quick.

Guess this is where nightmare is for now.

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