Chapter 35

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Antonio POV

Everything seems to be working against me. I have been having sleepless nights, because of that damn colorful room and I can't do anything about it since I put myself in this situation.

I am sexually frustrated, I don't find interest in other girls anymore because my dick seems to also be longing for Julls, I'm consumed with thoughts of her everyday all day. I have added gym time to ease my situation hence I wake up very early and go exercise in my house. After gym I shower there, have breakfast thanks to Wendy then off to work where I spend the whole day shouting at everyone. I can't help it.

I wish Julls and I can have a fresh start because now I don't know what to say or do to her, she makes me nervous. It's embarrassing really. Women normally throw themselves at me to have someone turn me down is a hard pill to swallow but I guess maybe I don't deserve her.

After her rejection last night I took a very cold shower to sleep and woke up with a throbbing erection I had to give myself hand, dammit  I'm so hormonal as of late. I have tried staying away from Julls to try and help my situation but she fails to stay out of my mind.... and maybe heart too.

I can't stop thinking about her and it makes me very moody as well so people don't find being around me very pleasant. Now I'm determined to make things work with Julls. What am I saying?, God help me.

I miss my mom, she would know exactly the right thing to do but Deon is there. I rest in our mansion and end up sleeping there.

* * *

I still woke up very early, my soul haunted for leaving Julls alone without a word not that she would care. I have tried reasoning with myself and failed, I can't stop thinking about her.

I went to work and tried being productive but ended up deciding that I will leave work early to Julls and maybe have dinner with her today. I will also make a fool of myself again today, tomorrow and the day after.

I finish signing off on authorized transactions from procurement, this has turned into a laborious chore I think I have to meet with the managers and discuss ordering days because this thing of everyone buying whenever is not going to work.

This chore took a lot of time as I fineshed by 5:30 pm, exhausted. I will do supper with Julls it's fine. I go home.

I find her relaxed in her egg chair and reading a book, my beautiful wife.

"hey" I greet loosening my tie

"hey.." she replies closing her book

"you well?" I ask her

"yeah, I hope you're not too hungry I haven't made food I wasn't sure if I could call or text you on what you would like to eat or whether you were coming over or you still had company" she says and looked embarrassed. I should be ashamed, the woman I'm married to doesn't know if she's allowed to call or text me but on a lighter note she's jealous and it warms my heart.

"I didn't have any company, I fell asleep and you can call or text me anytime" I say very quickly trying to redeem myself and she nods in understanding. She doesn't trust me but I'll work on it.

"I'm not very picky when it comes to food you choose" I answer

"okay, I'll make something quick while you refresh. You look tired" she says. She noticed.

"I'm not that hungry take your time. I will take a shower and come help you" I offer

"okay" she smiles, she smiled at me that's a first. I leave to shower. I couldn't wait to see her again my shower was very quick.

I come back to find her at the kitchen with all the veggies in the kitchen island, what have I got myself into?

"were you home the whole day" I say trying to make small talk

"yes" she looks up to me and hands me a knife "please peal off the potatos" she adds

"I changed my mind I will just keep you company as you cook" I try to get out of cooking

"ooh no sir I don't think so" she says playful insisting with the knife "there's no turning back" she adds and I give up and take the knife, get to work.

"fine" I say giving up, she grins at me and goes to check on the chicken breasts on the stove.

"what have you decided to do with the series" I say cutting off the silence

"I will check on it Wednesday but Im still not going to act in it anymore" she says chopping peppers

"why not" I ask

"my heart is not in it anymore" she says

"okay" I say and there's silence again until I was done with the potatoes

"I'm done, what else do you need me to do?" I say

"just the spinach then that's it, thank you" she says taking the potatoes and placing them in a pot. I really got myself a job but I find it enjoyable because Julls is here even if she aren't saying anything.

I sat down when done and watched her cook, I think I can get used to this.

"the food is almost ready" she says taking out plates and I stand up and help her set the the table.

"it smells Devine" I compliment

"I hope it taste the same" she says smiling warmly

"we'll see" I say my stomach agreeing with me with a growl. She dished up for us soon after and we sat to eat

"let's pray" she says and we close our eyes and she blesses the food. Im kind of used to the fact that she prays for food now from our breakfast meals. We soon divulge

"it's delicious" I say moaning to the mashroom soup, I think it's my new favorite thing

"I'm glad you like it" she says

"when did you learn to cook when you had the whole house filled with helpers?" I ask her curious, shocking myself since when have I ever been this chatty?

"I have always been eager to learn and Maggie our chef, took pleasure in teaching me, so I would prepare meals with her" she answers smiling

"you must have a close relationship with her" I comment

"we're very close yes, she's like a mother to me" she says taking food in. I pity her, she had people acting like mothers to her over her own mother but I say nothing.

"your brother was here" she says after a while

"Deon?" I ask shocked

"yes, do you have another" she says lightly

"what did he want?" I ask. Nothing good is my answer.

"I don't know" she says

"what could he possibly be doing here?, what did he say?" I ask confused.

"I don't know okay, your brother is very weird. When he came by yesterday I had first thought he was looking for you but he got comfortable and today he knew for a fact that you were at work so I chased him out" she says. He wants to start trouble for me I knew it, Julls is not telling me the whole truth. I have to deal with him.

"yesterday and today you say?" I ask to confirm if I'm hearing this right and she nods in response eating her food.

"hmmmm" I say in response keeping calm while in fact I'm livid. There goes my short lived good mood.

That little weasel.

Making Deals: Entangled Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें