Chapter 16

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Julls POV

It's the end of the week now and I still haven't received a call to come back to work as my father promised to take care of things for me, this would be the second time he's let me down now. Claire is still trying to secure me another gig.

Nonetheless, I am in good spirit, Antonio and I have not had a fight as I only have a few drinks in the house and we often have breakfast together now after my swim in the morning just before he goes to work but we sit and enjoy our food in silence. I think he's growing on me even but it's too early to tell.

Taking up sport was such a fantastic idea, even though I'm not working, not clubbing and have not been going out with my girls except Claire who I also have yoga with everyday, my mental health is good considering.

Today is Sunday and I'm having dinner with Micah my brother. I haven't seen him in a long while, I don't even remember seeing his face at the wedding, so today he called and asked if we can do a dinner and I'm very happy to dress up it's been a while.

I wear a black tight dress that's just above the knee, open back and open chest, black stilettos and a golden brown fur shawl that resembles my eyes. I tie my hair in a messy side bun, put on some red lipstick and take my Louis Vuitton gold clutch. I make my way downstairs and find Antonio there, he'd just returned from work. He was on a call and the minute he saw me his mouth dropped I'm not sure if its in amazement or confusion.

But I pay him no mind, "hello Antonio and goodbye" I say as I heed for the elevator.

"where are you going?" he jumps at the opportunity to get in my business.

"dinner" I stop and say

"with whom?" he's meddling as I said

"I won't have alcohol" I remind him of boundaries *wink*

"Jeff will drive you" he concludes and goes back to minding his business but I could tell he was really irked, he's so controlling. I really want to protest, I don't like him keeping tabs on me but I leave it alone for now and leave.

When I get to the restaurant I find Micah already there, looking smart as always. He's wearing a khaki slim fit suit, with a loose white top and white sneakers, my brother insists on wearing sneakers with everything but he still looks cool.

He stands up to greet me, he hugs and kisses my cheek then opens the sit for me, such a gentleman my brother.

"I have already ordered your favorite wine bottle" he informs me taking his own sit

"I'm actually going to drink juice" I tell him. That shocks him and he analysis me searching for something

"my sister never turns down wine" he says and before I have a chance to defend my position as his sister the waitress brings the wine.

The waitress removes the cock cap, opening the wine and I just eye Micah questioning his silence but he takes the bottle from the waitress and thanks her.

"sorry could-" I try to ask for juice but Micah interrupts me

"that will be all for now, come after 10 or 15 minutes we'll be ready to order" he tells the girl and she leaves.

I would say among the 3 of us, my brothers and me that is; Micah was mostly neglected by both our parents. Dad worked and traveled a lot and when he was not working he pampered me and mom focused on grooming Leo and scheming but she always made the time to make my life miserable.

You might be feeling sorry for Micah but don't, he's the luckiest of us trust me. Leo and myself could not do anything without our parents finding out about it, but Micah gets away with a lot so he's the happier 1 compared to us as you know how controlling my family is by now.

Micah is currently responsible for the company exports where Antonio's family tempered with the boats and our employees were stuck in the sea for a while and we lost money.

But I'm not judging because we "mother to be specific" poisoned food at their new hotel where guests and employees had diarrhea. I advice you never be my mother's enemy or you will be sorry.

Micah pours me wine, so he insists. Micah is very bad influence and arguing with him is fruitless so I drink my wine.

"I didn't see you on the wedding day" I tell him

"I wasn't there" he says casually and take asip of his beer

"why?" I ask not sure whether im hurt or not

"this whole arranged marriage infuriates me, I couldn't bare watching you going through with it" he tells me expressing sadness.

Micah can also express himself better he doesn't find it hard unlike Leo and myself. I admire that, it just comes to him naturally that if he's hurt he cries my mother tried to change him saying he's a weak man but he didn't mind. Both Leo and I tend to protect him much we don't like seeing him upset and right now I try to comfort him.

"it's not so bad Jar don't worry so much" I comfort him understanding his reasoning. Jar is from Micahjar his full name.

"you don't have to try and convince me" he says not buying what I'm selling.

The waitress comes back and take our orders for food. We quickly go the menu and order food and she leaves.

I give up trying to be strong for Micah and give him details of everything I have been through and shed a few tears in the process. Micah moves next to me and cuddles me to him, comforting me.

We are disturbed by the waitress bringing our food and he goes back to his sit and we try to lighten the mood as we eat. But we are disturbed again by Jeff this time.

"mam, Mr Zyne asks that you come back home this minute" Jeff says firmly.

"why?" Micah asks first, surprised and confused.

"that is between Mr Zyne and Mrs Zyne Sir" Jeff says with some hostility towards my brother

"tell him I'm still having dinner" I say wondering what possibly be needing my attention.

"he said to carry you if you fail to obey" Jeff insults me

"Antonio said that?" I ask enraged.

"yes mam"

I take my phone to dial him only to find out I don't have his number but Jeff supplies me with it and I call him

"if you're calling to protest don't even think about it, you broke our agreement you're drinking alcohol and you're out with a man in public Julls are you using your head at all?, how do you think this makes me look?" he says immediately he picks up the call. Can he be more self centered than this?

"are you serious??, first of all I am not in a club and secondly I'm with my brother" I say perplexed by this guy's mentality and he tries to say something but Micah grabs my phone and talks to Antonio himself. He is enraged, at least one person understands what I'm going through in this cursed marriage.

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