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I decided to walk to school with Georgia today since Jaz and her fell out and we haven't really spoken since the pool. As we entered school we, well when I say we I mean Georgia was getting dirty looks as word was going around that she was just a heartless user that used Dave to get to Robbie and apparently he was really gutted about that. I mean I get it what Georgia did was cold. And I couldn't believe it either when I found out.

As me and the girls were at lunch I found my eyes drifting off to Robbie. He looks so perfect when he smiles unfortunately he doesn't smile much. We've kissed multiple times and I can always see his eyes on me when he thinks I'm not looking. What does that mean? I mean he has a girlfriend. Yeah sure Lindsey's a slag and absolute bitch with fake boobs. Yep fake, she wears padding. How unnatural.

It was after school and I had just gotten home. My school life was hell due to Lindsey and my home life was equally if not worse. Dad still has the idea that we should all move to New Zealand and I feel as through my mum and him will split up because well she's obviously flirting with Gem I mean unfaithful what. But if they do split then its more than likely me being the oldest having to live in New Zealand with dad I mean I can hear them talking about it on the phone. I couldn't stand it anymore because when I walked into the living room there was Gem. Sitting on my fathers chair. I dropped my bag and ran out the door slamming it behind me to let them know I had left and that I was pissed.

I ended up where ever my feet took me. The beach. Coincidently enough there was the boy taking up my thoughts these past few weeks. Robbie. I walked up to him and took a seat beside him on a rock as he noticed me sitting there he put the notebook in his hand away and looked up at me.

'what are we'

'what do you mean'

'I mean you kiss me multiple time and imply you like me yet you have a girlfriend.'

'I know that's why I broke up with Lindsey the day after my gig.'


'look I know we haven't known each other long.'

'75days' to be exact. I said with a smirk which caused him to smile. God I love his smile.

'What I'm trying to say is... with you its easy, but not in a bad way in a good way, you make me feel free. Like I can be whoever I want to be and I like how when your nervous you crack your knuckles and when your scared about something you bite you lip which is why you constantly have chap stick on you in every flavour. I also know that you care about your sister and parents more then anything in the world and that you consider your friends your sister as you've been together as long as you can remember.'


'I'm not done ,with Lindsey it was the opposite she constantly makes everyone around her feel like trash and what I'm trying to say is.. will you be my girlfriend. I mean you can say no I mean I would totally understan--.'

Before he could continue his rant I cut him off with a kiss. He immediately responded him hands wrapping around my waist to keep me close.

'Yes. I will be your girlfriend.' I said smiling with our foreheads touching.

To anyone else we would look like 2 fools in love. Well that's just because we are. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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