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It was currently a new day I had found out from Georgia who came home gutted that Robbie and Lindsey were an item. well that dampened my good mood. that wasn't even the worst of it she was mad at ME! its not my fault Robbie was flirting with me at the fruit store maybe if she hadn't been a try hard then it would of been fine. turns out she wanted to be more 'mature' for Robbie so she went to a kissing lesson from the weirdest boy in the school. Peter Dyer. That guy makes me want to puke just by hearing his name. who wants to waste their money on that. just practise on your pillow. As if today couldn't get worse I just finished saying goodbye to my father who was now leaving for New Zealand. if he got his way we will all be out their soon enough. which I really don't want. to get my mind of my dad leaving I went to the park and started to draw the roses.

When all of a sudden I heard yelling and Jaz with angus who seemed to have gotten loose and was running after a very large white poodle

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When all of a sudden I heard yelling and Jaz with angus who seemed to have gotten loose and was running after a very large white poodle. As Tom was chasing angus I walked up to Jaz to see what was happening.

'Jaz what happened why do you have angus.'

'oh um you see, Georgia wanted to impress Robbie and get some alone time with him so she pretended angus went missing and is on her way here now were I was suppose to release angus so Robbie could get her but I got distracted.' By distracted she means she was to busy staring at Tom's arse.

I stood there absolutely dumbfound until tom came back and Georgia and Robbie turned up.

'hey Chloe' Robbie said with a huge smile while Georgia silently scolded Jaz.

After a few mins of awkwardness and tom getting Jaz's number Robbie spoke up.

'hey uh if you want I could walk you home I mean it is on my way.' he said rubbing his neck shyly while looking at me.

'yeah sure' I said smiling. a smile that funny enough only turns up when I'm around Robbie. I grabbed my sketch pad said bye to Georgia who had a scowl on her face.

'wow did you do this its great' That's what we talked about on the 10min walk to my house all about my art and his band the 'Stiff Dylan's.' when we finally got to mine I gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek before waving and walking in the front door and up to my room ignoring mum obviously flirting with the hot builder Gem.

I'm currently getting ready for a girl in my year Kirsty Walsh's 18th birthday party. Jaz was able to get Georgia and her friends on the list. Perks of dating Tom. Anyways I quickly slip on my outfit and look my self up and down in the mirror.

 Anyways I quickly slip on my outfit and look my self up and down in the mirror

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[ignore the balloons and tiara.]

When I arrive with my girls Keira, Olivia, Lucy and of coarse Luke. He's like a love sick puppy around Keira which is great she deserves a guy to treat her like a princess. Nothing and I mean NOTHING could prepare me for what i saw. there she was my little sister lying down in a bush with her MASSIVE granny nickers on full display to EVERYONE and there was Tom, Robbie, Lindsey front row with Jaz as they had just walked in. On top of her was none other then Peter Dyer. having enough embarrassment for a lifetime Georgia walked home while I went inside drink in hand and sat in the circle were everyone was playing spin the bottle.

Robbie's turn was up and so far I've had a total of 5drinks out of my trusty red solo cup. so I was quite tipsy and I've already kissed Lucy which was very eventful. this would be the last spin of the game before everyone would go home so better make it worth it. Slaggy Lindsey was sitting there with her hand on Robbie's arm thinking the bottle would land on her oh was she wrong. As the bottle slowed down steam could of come out of Lindsey's ears and nose. Oh. Next thing I know there was a hand on my cheek pushing a bit of hair behind my ear. As he's moved forward leaning across the circle.

'Is this ok' he asked. I nodded leaning in until his lips captured with mine it felt amazing. I could of kissed Robbie Jenning all night but after a long 2miniute make up [with tongue] Lindsey finally had enough and grabbed Robbie and walked out of the house stomping down the stairs to infiltrate her even more I threw a wink at Robbie while licking my lips which he smiled and blushed at.

Tonight was perfect now here I was lying in bed looking up at the stars I painted on my ceiling closing my eyes as I shut them I get a text.

Robbie; hey tn was fun sorry abt Lindsey she can be a bit possessive at times.

That made me giggle.

Chloe; yeah it was fun really fun maybe we should do it again sometime. x

With that I shut of my phone and fell into a deep slumber dreaming about Robert Patterson.

This is what I was thinking for Chloe's room;

This is what I was thinking for Chloe's room;

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Hey guys sorry for not posting lately but I've finally finished writing the last few chapters so I plan on updating and finishing this book in the next week

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Hey guys sorry for not posting lately but I've finally finished writing the last few chapters so I plan on updating and finishing this book in the next week.

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