O N E // I S A D O R A

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           This story doesn't start with a "once upon a time" nor does it end with "they lived happily ever after". This legend is about a neglected, fragile child, who was born into a family of rich nobles that despised their daredevil of a daughter with a passion. And yet, somehow, someway, the abandoned kid managed to become the top assassin in all of Raveryn.

         Would you believe someone if they try to convince you that the story is real? The story of an innocent blue eyed girl being trained to be a paid killer? Trained to have little emotion or trust towards anyone? The Story of a girl who went under numerous surgeries to highly genetically alter her five senses so that she can pick up even the slightest of sights, sounds, smells, and textures? Though this may seem like a fairy tale - although I'm not quite sure that's the word you would associate with a dark upbringing - it's not. It's all true. And, it's about me.

         Unfortunately, that introduction may seem like it would explain how I feel about my past, but let me tell you, I can't even begin to describe the terrors of my life as a teenage assassin. 

Revenge // Midnight Rose Trilogy #1Where stories live. Discover now