Chapter Thirty-four

Start from the beginning

"Well you weren't missing much the first time I put a little too much salt in that batch," I feel Cage's eyes on me so I look over to him, he seems nervous for some reason.


"What is it Cage?"

"I know we haven't been together long and other people might think I'm rushing this, but I can't picture a life without you. I want you next to me every night as I fall asleep and every morning when I wake up. I want to attempt to cook you and the boys' breakfast in the mornings and have you get mad at me for destroying the kitchen and kick me out so you can make breakfast instead, cause I can't cook." I laugh at that remembering that happening a week ago.

He ruined the kitchen, he somehow got almost every single dish dirty for just eggs, bacon and toast, which was all got burnt by the way.

"I want family movie nights and Just Taco nights and I want to be there to ask Knox and Kohl how their day at school was and how your day at work was at dinner every night. I want you to move in with me Rory," Cage is staring at me with so much love, and telling me all of these things that I want just as much as he does.

"I'll move in with you," I reach over to him and hug him, he hugs me back for second then releases and hoes to stand in front of me.

Then he pulls something out of his pocket and gets down on one knee.

"Will you marry me Sugar?" Cage opens up that box inside is this beautiful ring that has me in awe.

Tears start to form in my eyes and slowly drips down my cheeks my lips beginning to form a smile, I never thought I would see such a sight like this in my entire life. Cage down on one knee asking me to marry him.

The ring is a white gold one carat snowdrift diamond ring with a closed setting, and a round cut diamond. It's beautiful and nothing overly flashy, it the perfect sized diamond.

It's the perfect ring that goes along with the perfect man.

"Yes! Yes I'll marry you Cage."

Cage takes the ring out and slides it onto my left hand ring finger, and then I throw myself at him. I hug him so tightly and pepper kisses all over his face, making him laugh. Then I kiss him for real, pouring all of my love and happiness into the kiss.

You know eight years ago I just thought he was just another annoying popular jock. It's crazy how one night changed my opinion of him and our lives, others might not believe in fate but I can't help but do believe in fate. It's like everything in life feels exactly how it was always meant to be. Me in this man's arms always and our son's by our sides.

Which out of nowhere they are.

Cage and I pull back from the kiss when Knox and Kohl are right there hugging us.

"What are you two doing here?"

"You really thought we were going to miss you asking Mom to marry you?" Knox rolls his eyes and Kohl shoots Cage a get real look. "Oh and we also recorded it you're welcome!"

One look behind me shows Catch hiding, quite terribly might I add, with his phone up and recording us. I shake my head and gesture him over to us.

"Sorry I just couldn't tell them no when they used Cage's puppy dog eyes on me. I swear it's the hardest thing in the world to tell them no when they look at you like that," Catch stops recording, and puts his phone away.

"Of course it is how do you think I got Rory to give me the time of day? She couldn't say no to the eyes either," Cage lays a smacking kiss on my cheek and I roll my eyes.

"Your eyes need to be labeled with a caution sign or something. Beware of eyes hard to resist," I say.

"Does that mean our eyes need a label too?" Kohl looks up ate with those eyes of his just like his father's.

"Yes both of your eyes especially. They make it extremely difficult to say no."

"So can Sam stay over tonight?"

Knox and Kohl both give me puppy dog eyes, which makes us laugh, but of course they get me to agree.


Well that is the last chapter of The Perfect Mistake! I will be writing a epilogue at some point but for now The Perfect Mistake is done. I am well aware that this story does need some work right now I have someone who is helping me edit and I will be going back and rewriting the chapters someday. I really hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it. It only took me a year to finish it. (Today marks the one year mark since I started writing The Perfect Mistake) Also thank you for all of your support throughout the entire story it means so much to me. When I first started writing it and posted it I didn't really expect it to get has much reads as it has and it all thanks you guys! I really hope you all have an amazing night or day.💕

- SleepysaurusRex



Sorry to everyone for that ☝️it has just happened recently and I would like to prevent it from happening again.

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