Chapter 12: Facebook

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"..h-how? H-how can he do this to m-me? Was I-I set up?" I sob.

And I throw her phone in the couch. I don't want to look at that phone ever again, or that stupid picture.

"Oh Adara." Hayley comes to my side and hugs me.

I cry into her shoulder. How can he do this to me? I thought he was actually the one for me. I thought he wasn't bad after all. I thought that I was finally living what I wanted for once.

"I'm going to kill Josh. No one plays my best friend. I'm gonna go get a pan from your kitchen." She tells me jokingly and let's go of me to go to the kitchen.

I laugh a little and then it goes back to sobbing. And crying. Hayley hears me and sees me and comes back to hug me again, it feels so much better to be in her arms.

"Okay I won't I'm sorry, I'll just stay here with you." She tells me.

She stays with me. I cry and cry and cry until I can't tear up anymore.

I'm lying down on the couch now, I don't wanna do anything, I just want to go to my room and go under the covers and stay there to be away from everyone.

I'm so hurt. How can someone do something like that, he doesn't have a heart at all. All he told me was lies and bullshit. I never should have listened to him and let him lure me into his stupid trap.

"Adara? Adara..." Hayley taps me.

I lift my head up and let the tears on my cheek fall onto the couch and I watch it seep it into the cloth.

"You okay now?" She asks me.

I nod my head slightly and put my head back down on the couch.

"What time is it?" I whisper to her. I can't even speak.

"It's 3:30."

Just then the doorbell rings.

I sit up and fix my face, maybe it's Janely. I don't want her to see me like this. I'm about to stand up but Hayley pulls me back down.

"I'll get it Adara." She tells me as she gets up from the couch and walks to the door.

She opens it.

"What the hell are you doing here. Get the fuck off her property. She doesn't want to see you." She tells the person.

And by that I already know who it is.

Its josh.

I turn my head to face the door way. I see him in a hoodie and jeans and looks worried. He sees me looking at him and our eyes meet, I look away first.

"Adara! I need to talk to you! Please!" He yells from the door. Moving to the side to get out of Hayley's way.

"Josh you can't go in. you already hurt her. That's enough. Just leave." Hayley warns him.

"I need to talk to her. Please. I'm not gonna do anything. PLEASE."

Hayley turns back at me to look for approval. I honestly don't know what to do. I want to see what he has to say and then I don't want to see him or talk to him either. What do I do? Shit, shit. I don't know. I feel myself nod in approval. I see Hayley walk away from the door allowing him to come inside. He walks in.

Damn it. What did I just do?

"Wait, wait for me outside." I blurt out to josh.

He nods and walks outside, hands in his Jean pockets. I take in a deep breath and stand up.

You can do this Adara.

I walk to the door and walk outside. He's on the porch sitting on the swinging bench. I turn to Hayley.

"It think I can handle this on my own." I tell her putting my hand on her shoulder.

"You sure? I don't want you to get hurt again," she tells me.

"Yeah I'm good." I say, "just wait for me inside okay?"

"Okay. Be careful Adara. "

"I know."

And with that I walk out and close the door behind me. Josh looks up with this worried look in his face. I go up to him and sit next to him on the swinging bench. We sway with the wind.

"Look, Adara. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of this to happen. What you saw on Facebook, that wasn't ME. I didn't do that." He tells me.

He's looking directly at me. His face so close to me. His lips so close to me. I remember the taste of those lips, his mouth, him. The day we kissed flashes back in my mind. The way he cupped my face and pulled me onto his lap. My heart starts to flutter. Shit. I push that memory away and look at him.

"If it wasn't you, then who was it?" I ask him. I feel the tears coming.

Nooo. Not right now. Hold it in hold it in.

"I don't know. But I know it's someone that I know. Who the fuck would do this to us?" He runs his hand through his hair, frustratedly.

I watch him.

"So you have no idea who did it?"

"No. But I will. Cuz whoever did that is full of shit." He told me.

I stare blankly at the floor.

"You okay?" He asks me.

When someone asks me that, I'm not. And thats when I can't keep it in. Tears begin to fall from my eyes and onto my lap.

Damn it.

Josh sees me and takes his arm and wraps it around me. He brings his body closer to mine. I put my face in his chest and cry.

"'s okay Adara. We are gonna find who did this. And they are gonna pay." He tells me brushing my back, making circles with his thumb.

"Thanks Josh." I muffle in his sweater.

"I care about you Adara. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." He whispers to me.

I can feel his warm breath against my neck. I move in closer to him. I can smell his cologne.

He hugs me tighter and doesn't let me go. I just want to stay here forever.


I hope you like it! Sorry it was a bit short :(

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