Working girl

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I had one thing on my mind, rather a person- Brandon Williams.

He had slipped me his number the other night and I've yet to text him. To be fair, I have had a lot on my plate the past couple of days, all the stuff with my dad, then facing Chase  after all of this, I guess I just needed a break.

Finally growing a pair, I decided to bite the bullet and just text him, I mean what harm could it do, it's  not like I asked him for his number, he gave it to me. There's a huge difference  there, surely he must have wanted me to text him, or he wouldn't  have just handed me his personal  cellphone number.

"Hey, it's Renesmeè..."

Setting my phone down, I grab my laptop, hoping I've acquired enough motivation  to allow me to get through these final assignments. In my honest opinion, I'm ready to graduate, ready to start college and most definitely ready to move out, ironic considering we've just barely moved in, but I feel that I was truly ready to move out way before any of the shit hit the fan.

I wondered what it was like? Just being normal, it amazes me how fast life seems to be passing me by, sure, I've had some normal experiences, I had a best friend, I had a boyfriend, I did have the priviledge of going  to school and interacting with people my age, yet somehow, somewhere I still have this sinking feeling of dissatisfaction, almost as if my soul is aware that there truly is more to life, this cannot be it.

As if I subconsciously know that my life is way too put together, every aspect of it, controlled, everything that has happened, was put into motion by someone somewhere.

Breaking my intense reverie,I hear the subtle vibration of my phone, alerting me of a notification. Placing my laptop to the side I check it, maybe  hoping it was him,maybe hoping it wasn't.

Shaking off the teenage girl in me, I pick up my phone, exhaling deeply, entering my password and checking my notifications.

Stupid. Phone. Company.

I guess I am disappointed, which is remarkably dull of me. Shaking it off I decide to put this newfound energy surge to good use, spending the next couple of hours working on my history paper.


Amazing how it always has a way of repeating itself, in some form or another. My grandfather was a really bitter old man, with many secrets, I recall the day we had found out about his passing, my father seemed distraught, however it wasn't  in the way I had expected.

It was a Wednesday evening,  we had just finished having dinner, and were clearing the table, the telephone rang and one of the maids picked it up, I remember my father distinctively telling her to take a message, he assumed it was work related as nobody ever called us on the "telephone" it was more of a decorative relic in my opinion. The maid rushed over insisting  that my father come to the phone.

As if time had stood still, or slowed down, a scene from the movies played out right in front  of me, my father, red-eyed, staring into the nothingness , with the phone hanging loosely  on his side, dropped to his knees, yet it wasn't  in agony, it was in fear.

I never understood  it.

My grandfather had walked out on my dad and my grandmother  when my father  was merely 12 years old. He had maintained somewhat of a relationship with his son, but I'm guessing the circumstances were not ideal for a close bond. My dad would always accompany me on days when I would visit grandpa, he was never a lonely man though,  constantly surrounded by tall men in dark suits. Bodyguards  I'm assuming,  I never knew why, he never seemed a man of importance , just really wealthy, old money wealthy.

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