Chapter 4: The question

Start from the beginning

"See? What would you've done if dear old Haru over there became a villain because you all treated him so wrongly?" Y/n scowled. "Calling yourselves heroes. Don't make me laugh. As much as I hate 'em, you idiots are the type of people that make my blood boil."

"More like run cold—" Noah muttered to himself before feeling a glare on the side of his head and apologised swiftly.

"Y/n, you never told us why you hated heroes so much." A girl asked at the front of the room.

Y/n simply sat down. "It's personal."

"I hope I have another pen in here otherwise I'm fucked..."


It was currently lunch and Y/n was on the rooftop eating his lunch. Toga was downstairs in the cafeteria getting a drink and would be back soon. He looked out to the sky, the question that he'd been asked before, 'You never told us why you hated heroes so much.'

Hated? No, he despised them. And he still did. All those years ago, something terrible had happened. He hated to think of it because he would break down, he hated breaking down. He had broken down before around friends, that was fine. But breaking down over that? It was a whole new feeling.

Imagine spikes of ice as tall as pyramids, chains wrapped around each one, that  had happened once. Except only once, out in a forest.

He had been mugged but fought the robber off. A hero had come in to try help but just as he touched Y/n, he snapped. He had punched the hero off him and froze him to a wall and just as he had realised what he did, he was quick to run off. He ran into the forest having vivid flashbacks like it was a realistic nightmare, every detail and colour, playing in repeat over and over like a broken record. He cried for minutes screaming as his body slowly froze over, ice spikes growing out of the ground around him, some growing too big and becoming literal towers of ice looming over him.

Luckily he had calmed himself down and managed to run off before anyone saw him. Days had passed and people had seen the towers of ice and reported them. Heroes and police tried to find the cause of it, only finding it as a Quirk out of control before the case was dismissed. People at school suspected Y/n for a few days but luckily no one found out it was him.

Suddenly the door to the roof opened and a single boy sat beside him. "Hey..."

Y/n's eyes glanced to the boy sitting next to him. Haru, a blonde with twinkling blue eyes and a small bandaid on his left cheek, was slightly blushing. "Hi, can I help you?"

"No- it's ok! I just wanted to thank you for helping me back there."

"It's no big deal they were being rude. People like them disgust me. All talk about how they wanna be a good guy but end up doing the complete opposite."

"I don't get it. Everyone else wants to be a hero, but you... you don't want to, why?"

The only thing that was heard was the distant voices in the background. People yelling or arguing and others laughing. Y/n shook his head dismissively, Haru got the idea and left the conversation behind.

"Well, if you wanted to be a hero—"

Y/n's eyes looked at him. Not with a glare or one that said he was uncomfortable, but one of pure curiosity. "-what would be your reason?"


"Why would you want to be a hero?"

Y/n didn't know why, but it felt like time had slowed down. His body frozen instantly, his breath caught in his throat, eyes darting around while his palms became sweaty. What was this feeling? Shock? No, it was like when you try to remember a formula for a test but you can't, like your brain was at a dead end and was hitting itself on a brick wall.

He was completely frozen, the question bouncing around his head. Why was it so hard to find an answer? What was happening to him? He didn't want to be a hero, so why was it so challenging to come up with something and why did it give him this feeling of curiosity and feeling of being lost?

Once again the door was heard being opened. "Y/n! I'm back!" The happy voice of Toga was heard as she skipped over to them. "Hm? Am I interrupting something?"

"No no no! I was just leaving. You don't have to answer the question if you don't want to Y/n! I'm gonna go now, thanks again!"

Y/n's eyes followed Haru's frame until he left. He could finally breath, it was like his lungs were on fire and he was choking. He was coughing and everything. "Y/n? Are you ok?" Toga asked as she put her drink down and and put a hand on his back.

"Why? Why? Why? He asked some dumb question and I literally froze. What's wrong with me?"



The question had continued to rest in his head.

'You never told us why you hated heroes so much.'

'Why would you want to be a hero?'

Y/n had been silent on his way to the bar with Toga. Finally once they made it Y/n turned to the bar's counter and sat down. He looked so deep in thought.

"Hey Toga, what's up with Glacier?" Magne whispered to make sure she wasn't heard. "He looks serious, and the only time he is, is when someone really pisses him off." Dabi added.

"Some kid at school asked him a question. I'm not sure what it was, but it probably has something to do with being a hero. Pretty much everyone knows he hates them with a passion. Not even I know why."

"Well, we all hate them here, right?" Dabi asked. "So what makes him so different?"

"Well I know that I'm different because I'm trying to look out for someone who is truly worthy of the title hero." Y/n seemed to flinch at that. "Spinner! Look at what you did!"

Y/n began to kick his feet in desperation and look around the room. He looked like he was holding something back. Before finally he stopped. All eyes on him as he jumped down from the counter and walked up to Bakugo. The boy seemed confused.

"Bakugo... Be honest with me." He said softly, almost like a lost child. "Why do you want to be a hero?"


No one spoke. It had been quiet for at least 5 minutes now. "What do you mean?"

"Why, do you want. To be a hero?"

"Because I want to be the best. Obviously."


"Well, what's the meaning of a hero?"

"Being a hero means protecting and helping people around you, Even if they haven't done anything for you. Why does it matter?"

Y/n stood to his full height. Before taking a breath to calm himself. "Why do you want to be a villain?"

The room seemed to drop in temperature, signifying that Y/n clearly wasn't happy. "Just like you have your reasons to be a hero, I have reasons to be a villain."

"But I told you why I was a hero?"

"Fair, fair. But I'll be honest, it's not a subject I'm ready to talk about. But... maybe in the nearby future, I could tell you, only if we're close that is." Y/n muttered before the aura around him seemed to lighten.

"Have you guys fed him yet?"

"No, that's pretty much become your job."

"You guys are so annoying." Y/n walked away to go get something for himself and Bakugo to eat as Toga walked up to Bakugo.

"Thank you, he was really panicking over that... Not even I know why he hates heroes so much..." Bakugo stayed silent. He'd been trapped for a while and at some points thought Glacier and Toga were dating, only to realise they were best friends. If not even she knew what it was, what was the reason that made him so cold, both figuratively and literally, to talk about?

Fun fact, whenever Y/n gets angry or upset, the room or area will drop in temperature.

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