Chapter 3: The Aftermath|2|

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IT WAS THE next day and Y/n had been going to school. Him being the smart Alec he was, decided to go a different route and go to U.A. He had obviously left a bit earlier so that he wouldn't be late, but he knew the mission from yesterday was enough to do some sort of damage to the school's reputation.

He was not wrong, in fact, the school had so many people, he almost mistaked it as a parade. He pulled out his phone and recorded people yelling at the gates for a few minutes before sending the video to Shigaraki and left with a smirk.


Everywhere he went people were talking about it. Whether it be at school, the streets, shops even at his own apartment he would hear his neighbours talk about it. Everyone at school was furious. A teacher had gotten so mad that she had paused the lesson because she heard two boys talking about the incident and decided she couldn't take it any longer. She practically went on a rant about how the school should've been one of the most safest places to send kids but instead, almost every single event they had, students would end up injured. Except that time, a student had gone missing.

Shigaraki's idea was working. He was slowly crippling the hero society bit by not. Slowly, like he was digging a thousand degree knife through a plastic bottle.

Y/n was now at home and put on some casual clothes. He got himself a water bottle from his cooler and sat down at his desk and computer. He grabbed hold of his mouse after putting on his headphones and opened up minecraft.

His friend hadn't been on for a while now. It had been around a month at least. He hoped he was ok. He logged onto their world and just as he loaded spawned in lava. He growled.

"Damn you King! When you come back I'm gonna hit you with my axe so hard, your helmet'll break!" After getting out he decided to get some crops from his farm and went to go farming for some netherite. He wanted to get a netherite axe. He already had a smithing table, which he definitely didn't steal from a village.

He was strip mining before sighing. It was taking too long. He went back to the overworld to collect beds and after a few tries and almost burning to death, he finally found some. He got what he wanted before looking over to his bedroom. (In game of course.) When he walked in he noticed the red bed on the other side of the room.

He smiled as an idea come to mind. He went back to the nether to get some more netherite and made a set of armour. He went into a random chest and opened it finding a book.

Said book had enchantments that a certain someone wanted to use to make a full set. Y/n smiled just imagining the look on the boy's face. He was quick to get to work and not before long, he had fully enchanted half the armour. He still needed more books and levels then he would move on to the tools.


Y/n had walked into the bar wearing a large black hoodie with a design of a rose on it and shorts and a lollipop in his mouth. He walked in just in time to see Shigaraki switch off the TV.

"I'm really grateful for all the publicity we've been getting." He chuckled darkly before turning to the wall near the door. "Hey. Don't you agree...? Katsuki Bakugo."

Y/n walked past the boy and sat on the counter next to toga with his legs crossed. The boy looked at Shigaraki. "Did you get the video I sent you this morning?"

Manipulated Minds (BNHAxMalereader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora