Chapter 2: First Mission|1|

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Y/n had stepped through the portal and was in a clearing. Not too far away he heard voices. "Alright teeth guy, let's go cause some trouble k? Let's spilt up first."

Y/n had walked away to go find some students to fight. Suddenly a rather large purple hand came flying through the trees. He jumped up and saw some poles lodged into the ground. He teleported next to Moonfish and teleported gain, but this time they were on some sort of path. "The hell was that about?"

Moonfish stayed silent. Before looking up to the sound of footsteps. The two looked at each other before running into a bush.

Going through bushes, Y/n pulled out his gun and counted to three.




He shot a bullet that had missed the two on purpose. The two were startled as the man jumped forward and knives practically formed from his teeth like poles and he was raised up in the air. "What the— who the hell are you?!" The blonde yelled. The younger villain analysed him up and down. Red eyes, ash blonde spikes hair, 5'9 or 8.

Glacier stepped out with a smirk. "That doesn't concern you. But last time I checked, you're the winner of the Ù.A sports festival, correct?" The boy began as he narrowed his eyes on his frame.

"Oh! How rude of me, you're here with the son of endeavor also! Never really liked that man." He spoke as he twirled the gun in his hand. Shoto Todoroki, he believed his name was. His hair was half red and the other white. A scar on his left eye which was blue, and his right eye was grey.

"Hmph. So you think you can just waltz in here and—" The ash blonde began and walked forward. Todoroki was quick to stop him as he practically dragged him back.

"Bakugo! Be careful. We don't know what his quirk is."

"Quirk? So we got a smart one." Y/n smirked as he stopped playing with his gun. "Let's see if that balances out when it comes to fighting huh?!" Y/n yelled as he leapt forward toward the boy with white and red hair. Bakugo was quick to step in and push Todoroki out of the way. Y/n slid to a stop quick enough to avoid hitting a tree and jumped back to the other villain as he lowered himself to the ground.

"Your quirk is explosion correct? It won't work from far away will it?" He mocked as he pressed a button his ear activating his mask. The two boys made a face of shock and looked at each other before getting into position.  " you know what? Because I'm such a nice person..." Y/n threw his gun at Bakugo and somehow appeared right in front of Bakugo's face. "I'll let you take the first hit."

Bakugo flinched. "Why you... DON'T YOU DARE MOCK ME!" He threw an explosion right at the boy's face. Said boy was blown back slightly with smoke on his face, but when it cleared up he simply shook his head and stared at the ground in shock. He then laughed to himself. "Finally, someone actually interesting."

Bakugo had a crazed smile as he ran toward the man standing next to Y/n. "Stop making so much noise in my head!" Y/n quirked a brow. Was he so scared he was talking to himself? No...— Y/n quickly jumped out the way as the secondary villain made more sharp knife like blades that flew in the direction of Bakugo like tentacles. They grew longer at a faster pace before Todoroki, who Y/n had only now noticed had a boy on his back, had made a large ice wall around him.

 They grew longer at a faster pace before Todoroki, who Y/n had only now noticed had a boy on his back, had made a large ice wall around him

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