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Secretary: Well, you won't have any trouble with this if you figured that out. It's an aptitude test. You can finish it at home.

Phoebe: Great. Great.

(Phoebe sits down beside two people.)

Man #1: So, you won a fellowship from the National Science Foundation?

Woman #1 When I was at Harvard, yeah. How'd you know?

Man #1: I saw it on your résumé. I was cum laude also. Except I was a Ford Foundation scholar.

Woman #1: So, then you must have gone to Stanford?

Secretary: Stanford? I went to Stanford.

Man #1: (to Phoebe) Intimidating, isn't it?

Phoebe: The Good Will Huntings or this aptitude test?

Man #1: Oh, who cares about linear algebra or differential? And that test is a snap. I mean, in this day and age, who can't write in the HTML and numeric languages, right?

(Phoebe chuckles.)

Phoebe: Right. Yes. (He hands the man beside her the clipboard.) That's for you.

(Phoebe leaves the room.)

[Scene: Bucklands. Prue's office. Prue is sitting at her desk. A light flicker in the castle window in the painting. Prue notices it.]

Prue: What? (She grabs a magnifying glass and has a closer look at the painting. She sees a man inside the castle. A fireball flies past him.) Oh!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue and Piper are there.]

Prue: At first, I just thought that it was a reflection off of something in the room but then when I moved closer, I saw a man, inside the painting, in the castle. Right, but the moment I saw him, he backed away from the window. And then there was this strange glow that went past the window again. It was just so... (Piper is sorting through some papers, not paying much attention.) Piper?

Piper: What?

Prue: We were talking?

Piper: I know about a man in a painting. Listen to this one. "Hallway near club entrance too narrow."

Prue: I thought that we had discussed your code violations.

Piper: Well, I keep finding more. The plumbing, the electrical, the heating. It... none of it is up code.

Prue: Stop. You're obsessing.

Piper: Well, it runs in the family.

The front door opens, and Rose comes in carrying a stack of books and she walks into the kitchen

Rose: Hey guys

Piper: Rose have you been to the library again?

Rose: Yes, after these exams I have to pick a specialty, I have to choose what field of Medicine I want to do

Prue: I thought you were going to go into Paediatrics?

Rose: I am but they are so many different areas of that field I am thinking of emergency but my Boss at the hospital wants to explore all my options he thinks I should specialize in both Emergency and special care baby unit which would be awesome, but I want to make sure I Pass these exams too so hench the books, but I want to know what you guys think which do think I should do?

Piper: I think that you can do both. I mean you adore children so you could do both can't you be a paediatrician that works in both the ER and special care baby unit

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