The Tiffany Brooks. The Tiffany Brooks who always wore skin tight skirts to school. The Tiffany Brooks who always teased me in front of everyone and had her gang members everywhere she went. Well, they weren't exactly gang members, but they are always with her! The Tiffany Brooks who always had a thing for Blake. And wanted me gone. The Tiffany Brooks who had stole my best friend. Leaving me feeling unloved and worthless. 

While I was crying every night and feeling all lost and confused, they were out having the time of their lives. After a while and after hearing that they were together, Blake shut me out completely. I once heard his "buddies" talking to him about how stupid he was for ever hanging out with me. He then said: 

"I know man! But I had to be nice! I even deleted her number from my phone. Now I feel like a bird. As light and skinny as I can be!" I had been watching him say this and his ears didn't twitch, so he wasn't lying. 

I went to my pictures and deleted all of the pictures that I had of Blake and I. Or just Blake in general. Us at the park, us at a concert etc. I also went and deleted photo's of Fat Layli. 

When I was done, there were no more pictures on my phone. I got up from my bed and walked down the stairs with my keys and wallet. I passed my small cat that my dad had bought me when I was 8. When he was here and not getting all messed up. When we were all happy. 

I looked at the cat as it stared at me with angry and eager eyes. As if it was telling me that it hated me. 

You let him leave. It's your fault. 

I rolled my eyes at the cat and grabbed my sweatshirt on the arm of the couch and put my running shoes on. I put my phone, keys and wallet in my over sized pockets. I opened the door and dashed out really quickly. 

"Seven twenty five." The cashier said to me. I reached into my wallet to get the demanded money and hand it to her. She then bagged my Sun-Chips and my bottle of water. She smiled awkwardly to me and handed me the bag. She had put the receipt in there which I took out and checked the whole thing, inspecting for anything wrong. 

When I had left the store, I felt strong stares pointing at me. 

"Isn't that Olive's daughter?" A female voice said, clearly missing the main definition of "whispering." 

"The one with the father who didn't want her?" Another went. Breathe Layli, just breathe. 

"Yes, her." 

"I feel sorry."

"Wasn't the daughter like as fat as 4 cows?" That's it! 

I look back at the two women gossiping behind my back as if I was a pile of trash near them. One was wearing heavy makeup and leggings with a too tight shirt while the other wore a tracksuit. I narrowed my eyes at the two ladies. Knowing that I am too scared and weak to say anything, I turn back. 

I ran all the way to the park where only a few people had been walking about. They look at me as I sat on the bench and ate my Sun-Chips and drank my water. Their eyes were filled with pity, and unsatisfied feelings. 

I look down and eat my chips. I hear a really loud laugh behind me just a couple feet away and I know exactly who it is. Tiffany Brooks. Her laugh was always loud and rude. She sometimes snorted and looked like a horse when she laughed. I turn around too see her curly, bouncy platinum colored waves bounce as she laughs. She was wearing a tight purple sequined pencil skirt. She had a white shirt that showed her curves and perfect body. To match her perfect everything.

She had locked arms with Blake. Yes, Blake and they were smiling and laughing. Looking drunk almost. You know, weird, crazy drunk. With his perfect athlete built body and full lips, he passed his fingers through his brown hair. He was wearing blue jeans that fit him perfectly and a white V neck shirt. 

Barbie and Ken.

I turned back around as fast as you can say 'hey'. I sink down realizing that it was the first time that I had seen somebody from school ever since the last school year ended. I had lost a lot of weight and I was not prepared to show people the new me. The skinny Layli. Not skinny to the bone Layli but skinny enough Layli. A healthier Layli too. I grabbed my belongings and started to walk but turned quick enough when I saw them coming my desired direction. Luckily, they were too engulfed in themselves to realize that I was just a couple feet away. 

I walked and walked till I was on the streets. They were behind me. I knew because I could hear Blake's voice and Tiffany's weird laugh. I pressed the walk button as fast and hard as I could. When I saw the walk sign, I had walked as fast as a business man late for work. And let me tell you, those people can walk pretty damn fast. 

I passed the coffee shop and then just walked—or ran— into a bookstore for cover. Why am I hiding? 

"I would like to know that too." A voice says from behind. I basically jumped three feet in the air. I got out from behind the stack of books and turned to see a guy about my age with dark hair and nice dreamy eyes looking down at me. He wore a grey long sleeved shirt with jeans and a green name tag that read: 

Greenwald Bookstore: Drew. 

I looked up to his face. He looked mad and very confused. He was a couple inches taller than me and he had broad shoulders. I went red finally noticing that I had said my last thought about me hiding, out loud. 

"Uh-I-uh-they-bye." I stuttered before walking past him and running home. I opened the door when I heard a big bang from the kitchen. I strolled in to the kitchen where I saw my mother in her nurse's uniform looking as lost and confused as usual. 

There were pots and eating utensils on the white tiles. 

"Mom?" I said so softly only I thought could hear. My mother looked up at me with angry, stubborn and frustrated eyes. 

"Didn't I tell you that when I get back from work, I want a warm meal!? An clean house?" She yelled back at me. I winced at her words. 

"You didn't tell me anything?" I said softly. Girl, why did you say that!? Why you so stupid!? 

"Yes, I did! You are freaking eighteen years old! You are too young to be disobedient and forget things! When I ask you to do something, I expect you to do it." Mom said walking towards me with every sentence. Now she was up in my face. Even though I was way much taller than my mom, she is very intimidating for her small figure. 

"Anyways, just bring me my pleasures to my room in 20." She said leaving the room. 

I let out a big sigh as I went to go pick up the pots and eating utensils off from the tiles. My mother's "pleasures" basically mean just her alcohol. She's been addicted to it ever since my father had left us to fend for ourselves. She went into a deep depression before that, that led her into finding alcohol as a way out. 

"Get out." My mother said in a stern voice as I entered her room. 

"But I have your pleasures." I murmured taking the alcohol out from behind my back. She gestured for me to put them on the floor near her bed while she watched a very serious episode of NCIS. I loved that show too but I wasn't allowed to watch TV. According to my mother, that was the only thing making me happy and she was determined to ruin all of my happy thoughts. Lucky for her, no happy thoughts have ever popped in ever since the whole Blake thing. 

After I had left her room, I went straight into the shower after smelling like alcohol and I didn't even drink anything! 

I put on my pajama shorts and a tank top and crawled into my warm blankets. Today was my first time seeing Blake and Tiffany and I bet that Fat Layli would just run home crying. 

But I plan on making skinny Layli different. A more mature Layli. The Layli who wouldn't run home crying at the thought of seeing Blake and Tiffany together.

**Hey! So how was that? Did you enjoy this part? I am very excited for you all to well know Layli.  Please leave positive feedback down below and I hope that you vote and add me as a fan to know when I update again! I had Tiffany up before but I realize now that a readers personal image of a character makes reading more enticing ;) Thank you!  Stay Awesome- Rudi** 

Save Me.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon