Save Me.

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** Hey guys! So this is my third book here on Wattpad! I plan on making this book the one in which everyone learns a good lesson from and can have some connections to. I want to be more descriptive with this book because it is very emotional. I have read a lot of books about these type of issues—Not with my route to take it to-but in the same lines and I want it to be real. I really hope that you enjoy this new book! Please understand that everything is 100% mine and shall not be re-written or edited or whatnot. Please leave good and positive feedback! It makes my day! Stay Awesome-itsrudaayy_ ** 

Save Me

Part One 

I'm pretty sure that in every school, every country, every state, city, you name it—there is at least one girl who feels like crap in her own skin. Who feels as if, they don't belong where they currently are. Who are ashamed. Lost. Confused. And unloved. 

Ugly. Disgusting. Stupid. Teacher's Pet. Wanna-be. Fat. 

All of those names and more, I have heard people call me. Either in my face or behind my back. Both ways hurt no matter who says them. No matter what they look like or how they dress. It hurts. In the heart. Straight in it.

I can't lie and say that I haven't gone home crying feeling like the crap they say. What I can say is that I am trying. To make them stop. 

Sophomore year, was the worst year for me ever. 

1: My father left me and my mother to fend for ourselves. 

2: My mother became an alcoholic after months of severe depression.

3: My weight became too much of an issue for my peers to deal with. 

4: I had lost my best friend to some bitch in a skin tight skirt. 

5: I was still Fat. 

Now, It's just 2 days till my senior year of high school starts. I am counting my days. I look in my full length mirror and take back what I have been given. I see a 5'8 lean and skinny girl with long, natural blond hair and a nice green colored eyes. She is wearing grey colored sweatpants and a lace, purple tank top. 

I used to weigh just 210 pounds back then but over the summer, I had gone to the gym every day working my butt off. Like for real. No joke. Like I had a big butt. I turn around and then look back at my butt in the mirror. It was at a nice shape and size now. I can finally fit into my—correction, any skinny jeans. 

Anyways, I had lost a lot of weight. I went from 210 to 126 pounds all in just 3 months. It was filled with sweat, tears, and a lot of water. Like a lot. 

I walk away from my mirror and sit on the edge of my bed. I smiled slightly as it didn't squeak. Fat Layli always made the bed squeak. And not in that dirty, perverted way. In that embarrassing and awkward way. 

I took out my phone and looked at my screen saver. It was a picture of my fat self and my ex-best friend from years ago. Eight to be exact. We were at the park helping some animals find nice homes. I had been licked clean from a Labrador and Blake had helped me. It was a nice day. But little did Fat Layli know that the guy next to her, was a straight up traitor. 

I groaned at the memory. Blake was my best friend. Ever. In 3rd grade, I had just moved to this small town in Washington state and Blake was the first one to talk to me. He was very fun to be around. He was really funny and had never told lies. And when he would, his ears twitched. 

Then sophomore year came and when my father left my mother and I, Blake's hormones all of the sudden kicked in and it was all about football this and the popular kids that. He never had time for me and when we hung out, he only talked about Tiffany Brooks. 

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