Chapter 13 - Cold Hands, Dark Snow

Start from the beginning

And oh, how the chase was on after that.

There's a couple things the media doesn't like too much about Dream: how competitive he can get during fights with Villains, and how much of a short temper he has (not to the point he gets angry at fans or civilians, but just how quickly he can escalate a certain fight or situation if rubbed the wrong way).

And since he had just gotten back from a short break he was able to take, and jet lag is the bane of all existence in general, he was already slightly grumpy to begin with. Theseus's snarky comment only made that slightly worse.

They all ran across the rooftops with a new sense of purpose to their steps, some to capture and imprison, and some out of fear and the want to escape. Zephyrus swooped down in front of the four vigilantes in an attempt to get them to come to a halt, but instead they jumped around him to get to the next roof. He barely had time to move out of the way before Blade and Dream ran past him. It was then he realized Siren wasn't with them, or anywhere in sight. He would have gone to look for him if he didn't already know what he was up to.

Leading the group of vigilantes, since he was taller and his legs were longer, was Ranboo. He hadn't been trying to lead, he was just trying to make sure he would be able to protect them. Luckily from him that's what he ended up doing. From the alleyway below them as they went to jump to the next roof, a whip flew through the air and wrapped itself around Ranboo's left ankle. He didn't even have enough time to process what had happened until he was being yanked down into the alley.

"RANBOO!!" Stinger screamed, pivoting on his heel to jump down into the alley with the Hero and his partner. "Stinger, wait!" Theseus called out, turning around swiftly to jump back down into the alley. He narrowly missed getting grabbed by Zephyrus on his way down, but he managed to slip under his arm and jump down into the alley, Zephyrus hot on his tail. That left Night with two of the strongest, and arguably most terrifying Heroes in the country. There was a reason they were constantly going at each other for the highest Hero Ranking. They were opposites, rivals even, but they were the furthest thing from enemies, at least Dream didn't think they were. If anything he took their continued rivalry as a half-assed friendship, and a challenge. Blade is indifferent towards Dream at best, openly passive-aggressive at worst.

Regardless, she tried to get away from them the best she could.

They'd managed to take their chase to some of the taller buildings of the 16th District; a few failed attempts to teleport away was to thank for that. Night was out of breath, her muscles were screaming at her to stop, to take a break, to find somewhere to rest. But she had to push those thoughts away, she had to push them away because two of the most terrifying Heroes were chasing her, she had to keep going because stopping and getting caught will mean she'll lose her freedom. Freedom to help people, freedom to do what Heroes and police can't- no, wouldn't do. Protect the lower Districts, really protect them. Anytime there was a villain attack in lower Districts it could take hours, almost days until Heroes who could stop them, came to do their jobs.

So no, she's not going to stop, she's not going to give up. Her District, and many others need her, her friends need her. Dream launched himself into the air, opening his white wings that looked as if green and black paint had been dumped on them, he may not be able to properly fly, but he sure as hell can glide. Quickly too. He made it back down to the roof swiftly and placed his hands on the roof with a little more force than necessary, using his power to for a sideways facing pillar shoot out, hitting Night almost off the rooftop. She grunted as she got hit, the side of the pillar having hit her in the shoulder, knocking her arm into her face and making her scratch her face, drawing an ever so little amount of blood from her forehead.

"Fuck!" She choked back, a string of curses and pained grunts left her, standing up and readying herself. As she stood, she realized that Dream must have tripped or fallen over, because he seemed to be using the pillar he made as support to stand.

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