Part 11

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I'm sorry for the delay everyone!! It took a while because I wrote a couple of versions and none felt right. Finally today, I realized I was rushing the story because I had it stuck in my head that Abhira finally meeting had to mean a happy, love filled chapter but these characters are not ready for happy lovey dovey mode. This is an angsty story and despite all the love they feel for each other, both have unresolved issues that need to come out otherwise we'll have Abhi and his random one off "kabhi haan kabhi naa" type comments before Abhi actually explodes on Akshu...(that's going to be an interesting episode on the show😳🥺).

This is my longest chapter yet I think🧐 so I apologize if it ended up tooo long😊

Also...I've seen author's do Q&As regarding their story, their characters and the character's thought processes...Anyone here interested in anything like that? Let me know and if enough people are interested, I can try setting that up😁

So anyways welcome to Abhira finally meeting on FTR🔥

Enjoy Reading!💕


Akshara placed her violin on the floor and grasped the railing tightly with one hand as her other hand automatically went over her heart. She kept her eyes closed as a small nervous smile spread on her face.

"Abhi..." she whispered softly. With a deep breath she slowly turned around and finally opened her eyes.

She trailed her eyes on his figure, trying to make up for all the lost time. Dressed impeccably, in a white shirt and blue pants, he looked handsome as ever. As she reached his face, her heart broke a little seeing him look tired and paler than she remembered.

Her eyes, filled with remorse and longing, locked with his disbelieving ones as he slowly walked up to her.

Abhimanyu refused to look away for a single second. In the past year, all it took was a single glance away for her to disappear with the wind and tonight, she looked like an absolute dream. Dressed in a pink and white saree, she took his breath away and increased his heartbeats all at once.

The closer he got, the more he noticed the small changes in her. She was always tiny but now, she had lost a noticeable amount of weight and looked even smaller. Her hair was slightly shorter but most of all her eyes. They seemed tired but at the same time reminded him of the time they'd spent together during the festival. Innocent, mischievous and...loving. His heart sped up and the tiny ball of hope spiralled until there was nothing left but hope.

Finally, he stopped right in front of her and it was as though the world had just disappeared. There was nothing but silence as they just took in their missing half.

"Abhi...kaise ho?" Akshara finally whispered, breaking the silence.

That simple, mundane question snapped Abhimanyu out from his trance as it really hit him that she was here. She was really here and she was okay. And then he remembered every time in the past few days where he had felt her presence or heard her voice...there were times he had thought himself crazy but no. She was actually back and just didn't want to meet him.

His heart broke all over again and the bubbling anger began taking over his mind. With blazing red eyes and shaky hands, he took a step back. Shaking his head, he took another couple of steps back before turning around and walking away.

Watching him leave brought past memories crashing to Akshara's mind. Being reminded of every moment that he had walked away from her, hurt and heartbroken, as she stood without taking any action caused her heart to constrict as if someone was squeezing it tightly. Not this time though! Not anymore! Running behind him, she grabbed his hand in both of hers.

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