Chapter 1

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"Lauren! Hurry up and come out! The guests started arriving a half an hour ago and your mother wants your head for not being downstairs already!" Lauren heard Natasha call from the outside of her bedroom door.

She sighed heavily before looking at her outfit in the mirror for what had to be the millionth time since she put it on.

"I'll be right out!" she yelled, smoothing down the dark blue cocktail dress that had been laid out for her earlier. Despite the fact that she hated it when her mother picked out clothes for her, she had to admit she actually liked this one. It's a little tight, but its better than the pink monstrosities she usually got for her to wear. Taking a deep breath, Lauren put on her best smile before heading downstairs.

The large area the Jaureguis had set apart specifically for social occasions like this one, was full of small groups of people exchanging pleasantries and acting like they actually cared about what was going on in each other's lives. Lauren knew that no one really wanted to be there for any other reasons than to brag about how rich and successful they were and to kiss up to her father. He would make rounds and try to converse with all of his guests, but until then those who attended these events he held, would pass the time by making conversation with one another or the rest of the family, which really consisted of Lauren and her mother at the moment. It didn't take long for one of the groups to swallow Lauren up and try to immerse her in their discussion.

After a while, she got into her groove and was able to bounce around from one group to the next like she always had to do since her mother was never satisfied unless she at least tried to say hello to everyone who showed up. Not that it mattered much anyway since most of the people who talked to her were only acknowledging her existence because of who her father was.

Usually, at these functions, the teenagers said hello to a few people and then they would all gravitate to some secluded spot away from the adults to hang out. Unfortunately, there didn't seem to be any other teens here tonight which wasn't very surprising. Unless it was asked of them, most people refrained from bringing their kids to these stupid functions anymore. Besides, it's not like any of them would want to hang out with Lauren anyway seeing as they'd probably be kids from her school and she wasn't that popular there. She had asked Zayn, her best friend if he would come by, but he said he and the rest of the band he belonged to had a gig they were playing that night.

So Lauren was stuck on her own, dealing with the adults asking her about school and if she had a boyfriend and where she planned on going to college and any other exhausted topics they could think of. Lauren never really put very much into those conversations anyways. She usually put on a fake smile and gave them some bullshit answer about dating some guy on the football team or wanting to be a doctor or own a business or follow in her father's footsteps and go into politics. Anything to get done with the conversation so she could be through with the socializing and retreat back to her room to immerse herself in the world of Tumblr.

She had been talking to someone her father used to go to college with when her mother came over to them. Huh, well it looked like she was actually going to acknowledge Lauren's presence tonight. Usually, her mother was too caught up in gossiping with other women and drinking a bit too much alcohol to pay much mind to Lauren whenever they held one of these events...or on a daily basis.

"Ah, Lauren. There you are. I was wondering when you were going to make your presence known to our guests." Clara said trying to sound teasing, but Lauren heard the annoyed undertone to her voice. Yep, she's pissed.

"Well, I know I was a little late coming downstairs Mom, but I have been socializing for at least the past 45 minutes or so," Lauren replied politely since she knew Clara would get on her later if she was rude in front of the guests.

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