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Broken girls blossom into warriors.

Broken girls blossom into warriors

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I was regretting my decision.

As soon as we left the room I was left awestruck. I have always loved painting especially sad ones but I was never good at it.

Seeing the beautiful painting on the wall I stood staring.

You know those moments when something tells you to look further and deeply..that was it.

I looked deeply. What..why does it look like there is a keyhole in the edge?

" You like it? That was won in Hawaii during a festival.", a voice sounded behind me.


"Yep. We won a bet and it was the prize.", he said kinda proud.

"What kind of bet?"


So, you didn't win in a game or something. Won in a bet.

I hated bets. I mean it is ok when you bet with your friends and stuff but when money comes into play it becomes uglier.

It was the reason why I lost that person.

"Come on, let's go. Or else food will get cold.", Percy said.

"Ok", I replied still disgusted.

We went down a staircase which was so Shiny and clean that I tripped while trying to observe it.

Everyone falls down when they don't see down while they take steps but I always trip when I see down or try to maintain my steps.

Thanks, mom.

Finally, we arrived at a large living room that looked smaller than a football field.

What?, my brain asked.

I will not bruise my ego by saying its huge, I replied.

You are impossible.

When Percy cleared his throat again all the heads turned.

There were 4 men in the room. All built up and intimidating.

Come on, have you guys ever heard of Leo Valdez? Why can't you bring out your inner scrawny too?

Do you have to be a muscle pig?

"Hi.", a dude who looked a little older than me said.

He was grinning ear to ear. Had somewhat curly or is it just messy? Black hair and Grey-blue eyes. He was wearing a t-shirt that said, " Blackpink is the Revolution." He was, thankfully, Tattoo-free.

"Umm..hi?", it came out more like a question.

Someone chukled.

The dude who chuckled had blackish hair and kinda blue eyes. I couldn't be sure as he was laid on the farthest couch. He was wearing a outfit similar to Percy but instead of navy blue he was wearing a red shirt. He also had numerous tattoos decorating his wrist.

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