The First Last Day

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"Let me get this right. Dumbledore was gone, so you went past the three-headed dog, whose name is Fluffy, through devils snare, violent winged keys, a game of life-sized wizards chess, where you got clubbed by a sword made of marble, Ron, a passed out troll, and a confusing potions puzzle? And then Harry went through the suspicious-looking fire alone and came out unconscious?!" Ron ticked the things off his fingers as they went, then he shrugged and nodded along with Hermione.

"Yeah pretty much." Ivy pressed her thumb and index finger to her temple and rubbed her forehead, trying to fight off a migraine. "You Gryffindors really just can't help yourself, can you? You could have died. Dumbledore set up those tasks specifically to keep people out, and you lot just waltz through. Absolutely mental." She was smiling now, slightly. They may be crazy, but it was pretty cool in retrospect. And to think she'd thought her night was the craziest. "The worst part is that Hagrid named the ruddy dog Fluffy when Cerberus was right in front of him."

Madam Pomfrey pulled open the curtains and smiled at the group before either of the Gryffindors could protest Ivy's first statement. "How are you feeling Mr Weasley?"

"A bit sore, but my arm doesn't hurt anymore and my bruises are gone."

"I think you're alright to be excused then. Just try to take it easy and don't push yourself. If you need anything feel free to come back and ask." Ron beamed and hopped out of the bed at these words. He and Hermione checked on Harry, but they got bored quickly when he didn't miraculously wake up, and when Ron suggested they get him some candy for him, Hermione readily agreed. They rushed up to the Gryffindor common room, chattering excitedly about the events of the night before.

Ivy stayed behind and smiled fondly at Selina, who was dead asleep next to Harry's bed, snoring loudly. As the single worst morning person Ivy had ever met, she knew her friend must have made a very concentrated, selfless effort to find her and stay awake that morning. It was no wonder she was exhausted. Ivy pulled another chair around to the side of Harry's bed and sat down, exhaling for the first time in a while.

She was grateful for the peace and silence, as she turned over everything from the last day in her mind. There was so much to process she felt positively buried underneath it, and the next many hours passed in a haze. A lot of people came in to visit Harry, bringing with them all sorts of flowers and candy. Apparently, rumours had been flying around the school about what he had been through the night before, but Ivy ignored all of it. She'd find out directly from him later, but for now, she had her own things to deal with.

The first thing that pulled her out of her reverie was Fred and George Weasley trying to sneak in a toilet seat to Harry. Madam Pomfrey had descended upon them from out of thin air, and after a long, hysterically funny argument, she kicked them out along with their odd present, making them grumble and collude over where to stash it to give to him later.

Ivy was laughing so hard by the end of it, that Poppy couldn't help but chuckle as well as she saw the girl clutching her stomach with tears rolling down her cheeks. The commotion made Selina wake up, and she sat up grumbling slightly, peering out at Ivy through narrowed eyes. She snapped at the girl to shut up and laid her head back down, falling immediately back asleep.

Unable to keep herself from giggling, Ivy decided to go for a walk to the kitchens. She knew the final feast was only a few hours away, but she was growing increasingly aware of the fact that she hadn't eaten in forever. She passed Ron on the way out, his arms loaded with chocolate frogs that he said were for Harry, but Ivy knew for certain would be gone before he woke.

She went to her common room first to get Stheno, but she didn't make it even halfway through the room before she was jumped by Pansy and Draco who were clamouring over each other with questions as to where she'd been and what she'd been doing. She just laughed at them and slung an arm around Pansy's waist, laying her tired head on her shoulder. She mouthed a silent "thank you" to Blaise and Theo, who nodded understandingly and smiled from where they were sitting together nearby. Draco caught the exchange and narrowed his eyes at them - Blaise just winked in response.

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