The End's Beginning

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Why was that always so hard, though?

Sighing again, Leon pushed up from the bench. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply once more.


Time to go back.

He stood there for a few moments, silently, and then laughed--pitifully. He was really struggling to move, wasn't he? Arceus, this was pathetic. So damned pathetic! Cursing softly, he brought his hands up and slapped both sides of his face hard. It stung quite a bit, but it did the trick. His legs moved, finally, and headed back the way he came. Coming out of the alley way, he spotted the hotel on the right and made a straight beeline to the entrance. There he zipped his way to the elevator to head up to their floor. All the while he rehearsed line after line--apology after apology; every way he could make things right and actually say what he meant to and hope she could do the same.

He had finally conjured just the right things to say when he came to the door and knocked first to let her know someone was there, and then used his card to unlock it. He opened the door, expecting to find the redhead there.

Only, she wasn't.

The room was quiet and dark, save for the single desk light on.

He paused, blinking slowly, then called out, "'Cas?"

No answer. Not in the bathroom. Balcony door was closed. Their things were still there--or, no; her Pokémon were gone. She'd taken them, but her backpack was still on the bed beside his and his Poke ball belt. He frowned, glancing around--and finally noticed the note on the desk. His heart raced a million miles an hour and beat against his skull. He hesitated to step closer, swallowing with great difficulty. What if--what if it was a--a break up--


No, Cassandra wouldn't do that. Neither of them was so immature nor shallow. They would have talked to each other upfront before doing that. So, it had to be something else, and that was just as terrifying, too.

Breathing in deeply, he picked up the note, keeping it low to read in the light, and every word made his chest constrict even more.


I'm sorry I got mad and yelled. I shouldn't have done that. I wanted to talk it out properly, but Looker just called, and he found Team Flare's base. I know you said to not get involved... but I'm sorry; I can't just stand by and do nothing, and I can't let Looker go alone. The League and police will be too late, and if I have the power to help, then I will. I tried to call you, but you left your phone, so I hope this note will do. I'm sorry. I am. I mean it. After this is over, we'll talk about things. REALLY talk, okay?

I'm heading to the Lysandre Cafe--the one where we met Sycamore at the one time. I could use your help. We're always better as a team. Just... please don't hate me for this. I'll see you soon.

- Cas

"Fuck!" Leon hissed, running his hand through his hair. Why didn't she wait?! Yes, he would have tried to dissuade her, but he should be there with her! She could be in danger, and he wasn't there to protect her! He had to go. Now.

The former Champion moved at lightning speed, grabbing his Pokémon belt and backpack, slipped both on, and raced out the door. He didn't bother with the elevator, leaping down the stairwell and out the door into the main lobby. He didn't care who shouted after him, he made a straight shot for the main doorway--

Only to nearly collide into the man he'd come to know as Looker.

He gasped as he stopped short, only to have the detective suddenly collapsed, barely giving him time to catch him. His attire was charred and dirtied, and he had cuts and bruises and some blood stains seeping through. He looked like he'd gone through hell--but where was 'Cas?

Life's Requiem, Death's Caterwaul (Champion Leon X OC [Slight x Raihan])حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن