Chapter 5

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The day had come. Today, we would fight our greatest enemy yet. The team was ready, we were only missing Hank. We decided to go to his lab to check if he was there.

When we opened the door, we discovered the lab in shambles. Everything was broken. We walked inside and looked around.

"What the hell happened here ?" I said.

There was a black box with the letter X painted on top of it in the middle of the room. It was the only thing that was intact.

Charles walked towards it and opened it. Inside, there was only one thing, yellow combat suits.

"Hank has been busy" Erik said.

"Do we really have to wear these ?" Alex asked.

"As none of us have mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up" Charles said.


We made it to the airport. A bigger version of the plane Hank had showed us a few days prior, stood before us.

We were in our matching suits, ready to leave. We just needed to wait for our scientist teammate.

"Where's Hank ?" Raven asked the question on everyone's mind.

"I'm here" We heard from far away.

His body was covered in blue fur. His ears were pointy and he had fangs.

"It didn't attack the cells, it enhanced them. It didn't work" Hank said looking at the floor in shame.

"Yes it did, Hank. Don't you see ? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding" Raven said as she put a hand on his shoulder.

"Never look better man" Erik said playfully.

Hank took Erik's comment seriously and began strangling him.

"Hank !" I said.

Hank didn't move.

I used Charles powers to make him let go of Erik.

"Don't mock me" Hank said.

"I wasn't" Erik said.

"Even I got to admit you look pretty bad-ass. I think I got a new name for you. Beast" Alex said.

"You sure you can fly this thing ?" Banshee asked, referring to the jet in front of us.

"Of course I can. I designed it"


We got in the plane and began flying to Cuba, where Shaw and his team would be. The boats below us were already preparing to fire at each other.

Charles put his hand on his head and began reading the sailors's minds.

"Crew of the Aral sea are all dead. Shaw's been there" Charles said.

"He's still here, somewhere" Erik said.

"He set the ship on course for the embargo line"

"If that ship crosses the line, our boys are gonna blow it up and the war begins" Moira explained.

"Unless they're not our boys" Charles said as he read someone's mind once again.

𝐶𝑜𝑝𝑦𝑐𝑎𝑡 (Erik Lehnsherr x Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now