Chapter 2: A Surprise?

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Silence. Everything was black. Wait, what happened? Where am I?

"Hello?", I blurt out.

"Petra! You have to stop this!"

A familiar figure shows ups. My Aunt May comes into view.

"Huh? Aunt May? Stop what?!"

What does she mean?

Another voice speaks out.

"Kid, you're not ready. You still need training."

Mr. Stark?

"I am ready! And I'm not a kid! I just want to help!"

Mr. Stark comes into view. He starts running towards me, in his iron suit.

"Kid, get out of the way!"

I cock an eyebrow, confused.

He reaches towards me and shoves me out of the way. Only then I knew why.

I am thrown to the ground, not having a second to think for myself.

During that time, Mr. Stark was hit by a beam, and was thrown towards a hard, brick wall. Some of the wall crumbles around him.

"Mr. Stark?!", I yell out in fear.

I rush over to his side, his iron suit almost destroyed completely. My shaky eyes examine him.

His mask/helmet comes off and I gasp.

Blood was rushing down his head, not looking like it was going to stop.

"Mr. Stark?...", I gulp.

I ball my hands up, feeling heat on my face.

"Mr. Stark! Please wake up! I don't know what I'd do without you!", Tears roll down my face.

"Petra...", I hear him spurt out. He tries to smile, but fails.

"Mr. Stark. It's all my fault. It's all my fault!", My face is full of tears, no sign of ever stopping.

I burrow my face into his metal chest armor, muffling my cries. I feel him rub my head.

" are destined for great things. I just hope you won't end up like me.", I lift my head up and face him.

"Mr. Stark? No. No. No!", But it was too late. I felt the life leave out of him.

The rest of The Avengers come into my view and are horrified at the sight.

I look up towards the sky, now dark and gloomy, and scream at it like it was the reason why this had happened.

"Aaaaauuuuhhhhhh!" (pretend that it sounds like an eagle but 10x worse)

Mr. Stark.




The Big Battle (Female Peter Parker x Young Justice League)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن