Chapter 1: The Meeting

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I wake up in a brightly lit room. The room was very spacious. Huh? Where am I?

I tried to move, only to realize I was tied to a chair. Great. Why do things like this always happen to me? HOW did this even happen to me?

My spidey senses go off and I look towards the source.

3 boys walk in, wearing suits made for heros. Now I'm even MORE confused. Think Spidey! Think!

And that's when it clicked. My mind traces back to a couple days ago...

A few days ago...

I was waiting on Mr. Stark, or as other people know him, Iron man.

I had walked away from the payphone, distracting myself. Wait, how would he find me?, I thought. I heard footsteps behind me, and my spidey senses kicked in.

I pretended like it just didn't go off and when I thought I would trick them, I abruptly turned around. No one was there. My spidey senses went off again, and I felt somebody put their hand on my shoulder. I did what any normal person would do.

I took their arm and flipped them over, making them land on their back in pain.

Then I took off running.

"Hey!", I heard them yell. Mr.Stark, that bed will have to wait!

I turned down an alleyway, thinking I could lose them there. I pull my hoodie up, as I reach the end (I didn't have it up before, I only had my cap on). I crack my knuckles, hearing footsteps in the distance.

I start climbing up a wall, using one of my helpful abilities that's helped me on many occasions. It was the one thing that was in the way of my escape.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

I reach the top of the wall, my back facing towards the person.

"Sorry. Busy trying to get away from creeps. Oh! Like you.", I nonchalantly say.

"Wait-", I jump down the wall and land gracefully, getting ready to run again. Until a bat comes out of nowhere? Huh. Reminds me of Batman. Oh shoot!

I try to come out of my senses and escape what was about to explode. But it was too late.

It explodes, a lot of smoke comes out, and my eyes feel heavy. Knock out gas? Great. I start coughing, my self comes in and out of conscience.

Before I fully go dark and pass out, I see 3 figures of people. Walking up to me.

"Mr. Stark? I guess I won't be able to join the Avengers...", I blurt out. And that's when I pass out.


"Look guys, she's awake!", A familiar figure says. I look over at him. The ginger from the roof!

2 more people come. A buff guy with short black hair and a red head with green skin. I started getting nervous (which rarely happens) and my spidey senses went off the radar. Oh Mr. Stark, why couldn't you have come sooner?

The Big Battle (Female Peter Parker x Young Justice League)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant