An Autumn Breeze

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She really was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Walking down the side of the lake towards me, the orange blaze from the setting sun lit up her face, revealing the soft freckles on her face that you had to squint to notice, they made her look younger. Her gray eyes shone in the orange hugh. Her dark hair in loose waves around her chest and back. She wore a soft white dress that dragged along the moss on the floor, the sleeves were lace and woven in a unique pattern, like vines snaking up a tree. If you didn't know her, she could easily be mistaken for an angel.

Finally, she reached me and took my hands in hers. The contact of our skin sent electricity up my arms. Even now she still took my breath away.

"Hi." She whispered, her gaze capturing me.

"Hi," I whispered back. "You look... breathtaking."

She smiled and opened her mouth to respond, but before she could speak she was interrupted by the Mayor. I didn't really pay attention to what he said, I was too lost in her.

Sometimes while looking at Katniss, my thoughts seemed to fight themselves. Some would argue that she was the best thing that had ever happened to me, that she was good and kind and saved all of our lives. The other thoughts argued that she was a beast, a mutt of the Capitol and out to destroy us.

They were hard to fight away.

But then she would come to me, make me see the real her, and the truth would always win.

But today, our wedding day, was a day that I wouldn't let any bad thoughts in. Today, I was filled with love and admiration, and so was she.

The ceremony went quick, we were down by the lake and only the Mayor and Haymitch were with us. We both agreed we didn't want a crowd, we wanted this to be just our day. Katniss asked if we could get married by the lake. It was a special place to her, probably because it was the last place standing that was untouched by the uprising. Her memories of her childhood, swimming with her Father were still alive here, so i think that's why she wanted it here.
It was a beautiful place. The world around the lake seemed more alive than anywhere else in District 12. The water drew life, all creatures of different shapes and sizes gathered around us. The grass was greener and the trees seemed taller. It was like stepping into a different world compared to the gray dullness of District 12. I'd have to come here before autumn fully consumed it to draw.

The Summer was fading slowly, some leaves were still green and some were starting to fade to dull yellow. The air was mild, neither hot nor cold, just right. There was a slight breeze, but if anything all it did was make Katniss look even more enchanting with her hair and dress blowing around her.

After the Mayor said a few words about love and marriage, he quickly got to the important part.

"Do you, Peeta Mellark, take Katniss Everdeen to be your wife?"

"I do." I said quickly, probably too quickly because everyone laughed at my eagerness.

"Do you, Katniss Everdeen, take Peeta Mellark to be your husband?"

Katniss smiled and squeezed my hands, " I do."

"Then, I pronounce you Husband and Wife. You may kiss-."

He didn't get time to finish, because I leaned in and kissed her. I have kissed Katniss many times, more times than I can probably recall. Some of them were fake kisses but most had been real. This one was definitely real. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer. The world faded away around us, until there was nothing left but her in my arms. Her lips on mine. Her body pressed against mine. The warmth that spread through me like a fire. I wondered if she felt it too.

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