Day 1- Gavin

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To: Papa Bear
From: Your Cuddly Cub

Geoff? I.. I miss you, so I convinced Michael to write letters to you with me. Maybe some closure will be found, maybe not. You went away too soon. Your eyes closed for their last time quicker than they should've. You should still be here with me.. Telling me it was a nightmare, that you're still here. That goddamned twit just had to fucking drive like a maniac. If he didn't, you'd still be here. I want to kill him.. An eye for an eye, right?
You're still the love of my life, that's never going to change. You and Michael were the only people who made me feel the feeling that is love. And no one- NO ONE- can ever replace that.
I have these nightmares. I'm there, with you, and the car is speeding down the road, but you're just out of reach. I wake up screaming and crying and all Michael can do is say 'It's alright, Gav.' It's a lie and we both know it.
We're not okay without you, we're all ripping apart at the seams.
Remember, I love you, through it all. Even death can't make me stop loving you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2015 ⏰

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