Mafia's Plan😏

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Part 1

Mr. Kim Taehyung, the most handsome and young Mafia. He was the greatest of all other Mafia's. His only enemy was Mr. Kai. An old but intelligent man. Taehyung's dad wanted Mr. Kai's empire, but Mr. Kai denied all the deals given by Mr. Kim. This empire was so important for the Kim family and their pride. So Taehyung's dad decided to kill Mr. Kai. Because Kai had only one daughter. If Kai dies his entire empire will officially move to his daughter. Taehyung's dad made a plan and killed Mr. Kai. His family was a bit depressed so Mr. Kim decided to wait for some months and then continue the plan.

After six months

Taehyung's dad decides to go and visit Mr. Kai's mansion.

[At the mansion]

[At the mansion]

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Mr. Kim : Hello Mrs. Kai Long time no see. We last saw each other at the Jeon's business party. Right?

Mrs. Kai : Yeah. Hello. How are you?

Mr. Kim : I am fine. I heard about Mr. Kai. I felt bad for him. Though we were enimies, I personally didn't hate him.

Mrs. Kai : Oh!!!Yeah. I don't understand how this happened.

Mr. Kim : To be honest. Mr. Kai had so many enemies. We can't do anything. And, now because he is no more, there are many eyes watching you and your mansion. Your family is in Danger.

Mrs. Kai : But I can't help now. I don't have any son and my daughter can't handle this huge empire. I am so confused.

Mr. Kim : Well, I can help you out.

Mrs. Kai : How?

Mr. Kim : Let your daughter mary my son. I will guarantee you your protection. My son can handle your empire. And don't worry youe money and this mansion is always yours.

Mrs. Kai : {Pov:I don't know i should do this or not, but they are rich and Taehyung is also handsome. If Somi marries him. She would live a happy life.}

Ohh.. Ummm... I am Okay with this.

Mr. Kim : Oh great than let them marry ASAP. Cuz you are in Danger.

Mrs.Kai : Thanks Mr. Kim

Mr. Kim : Oh Cmon we are a family now.
Then I'll get going now.See you soon.

Mrs. Kai : Yeah.


Part 2

Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kai decides to invite Taehyung and Somi to dinner and ask them about their marriage. But Taehyung being a cold guy, he never wanted ro marry. He was not interested in relationships.
Somi was very kind and generous girl. She never disrespected her parents.

[At dining hall]

[At dining hall]

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Mr. Kim : Hello Mrs. Kai. How are you?

Mrs. Kai : I'm fine.

Mr. Kim : So you know why we are here gathered.

Somi : Why? What are you both talking about.

Mrs. Kai : Well.. You'll know about it later. But where is Taehyung.

Mr. Kim : He'll arrive soon.

Mrs. Kai : Okay then let's start the discussion.

Mr. Kim : We want you and Taehyung to get married.

Somi : WHAT??? Why?

Mr. Kim : Somi dear. You and your mom are in danger because your dad passed. Many enemies are watching you. They want your empire.

Mrs. Kai : And if you get married to Taehyung. No one will dare to harm us. This is the best way to get out of this.

Somi : uh... But..
{Pov:I have ti do it for my mom. I can't disrespect her.}
Okay I agree.

Mr. Kim : Great.

[Taehyung enters with 10 boduguards]

Black coat, grey eyes, tattoo on neck, eyebeow piercing, handsome face and perfect body.

Taehyung : Why are we here? I cancelled my meeting. My time is so precious. Finish the discussion ASAP.

Mr. Kim : Well. This is Taehyung. Son this is Somi, Mr. Kai's daughter.

Taehyung : What's the matter!

Mr. Kim : I want you and Somi to get married.

Taehyung : (stands up) WHAT??? are you serious or what? Why would i marry her?

Mr. Kim : Let's talk. Come with me. Mrs. Kai excuse us for a while.

Mrs. Kai : Yeah Yeah.

(Outside the hall)

Taehyung : Dad what's going on?

Mr. Kim : Son. If you marry her all the property and empire is ours . I just want the empire i don't care you stay with her or not. Please do it for our family. You know how important this is.

Taehyung : Well. The moment she signs the property documents.. I'll give her a divorce.

Mr. Kim : Idc let's go

(They enter)

Taehyung : I am ready for the marriage.

Somi : {isn't he so handsome. He is a bit cold but he's handsome}.

Mrs. Kai : Let them get married ASAP.

Mr. Kim : Yeah.

(Will publish next part tomorrow)

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